sherrif ouside your house

I'd get even with that prick after I moved and setup a new grow somewhere else. That sucks tho man, sorry 2 hear.
Fortunately I haven't laid eyes on him . Never really saw him that much before the incident . I don't believe he knows I know. If not for my attorney letting me see some paperwork filled by the arresting officers I wouldn't have known how this happened.

Revenge is a dish best served cold !

What's it like when you see this fuck? He even look in your direction?
In Texas if you get pulled over from a state trooper either you are about to get shot or thrown in the slammer..
I got pulled over and searched. Than the Texas state trooper told me to get in his front seat. He wanted to have a talk with me. He started lecturing me about how weed is bad for me. I went ahead and argues back that I do dumb shit on Xanax and would rather smoke weed. He said to stick to my script. I argued back and said I would continue to smoke. He then asked where I got the cannabis. He asked if it was from the cartel. I said no it was from the state right above us. He then gave me warnings for everything. The next day I was bringing some buddy some cannabis. I park by my buddy. And here comes that same state trooper walking out of the grocery store. He recognizes me. Asks and laughs at the same time. You're staying away from that cannabis aren't you. I shook his hand and said have a good day officer and laughed and walked away.
Here the sheriffs like to meet up next door to where I stay at this old firestation. Had them point guns at me for playin with a green and orange airsoft with a couple little kids. They laughed it off and blamed my area for their confusion by saying "Dont ya know where your at?" I have lived here ten years and never felt safe around em sadly...