Sherrif's Deputy shown kicking a young 15 year old girl

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
When I was arrested as a teenager nothing close to this ever happened to me, although I never had a criminal record and still don't. The worst part for me was sitting in the cell when I cop walked in with pink latex gloves and told me to drop my can see why I was scared. Turns out he just wanted to check my jeans for drugs and stolen stuff.

Onto this subject now...Before they keep you in a cell they tell you to take off your shoes, belts, jewely and anything else thats not clothes. So if you think about it the cop more then likely told her to remove her shoes and went she gave him attitude he snapped. I think his partner should be charged with the same thing as he is. Think about it. Has anybody in here every been arrested just for being with someone who commited a crime? They usually tell you that you can be charged with the same crime that your buddy commited. Shouldn't the same thing be said about cops? Sure his partner didn't start the fight but he didn't try to prevent it and he actually helped.


Well-Known Member
This is a really shitty incident. I can't believe that the cop picker her up by her hair at the end of it all and then pretty much carried her out by her hair. Makes you wonder how often shit like this goes on that no one hears about.


Well-Known Member
Just one more reason y i hate those fukin pigs, they think they r above the law, now I'm not saying they r a ll bad, but from my experience most of em think so...

That just pisses me off!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
i seen the video.the cop was on the wrong.
what he should have done with the little brat was handcuff her to a toilet everyone was taking a shit on.
little bitch.
then drove over to her parents home and beat the living fuck out of them for raising the little bitch to be a criminal.
And you suppose you aren't a sociopath??? Guess again.


Well-Known Member
Their was one time when I thought something like this was going down were I worked my partner for the day was getting real mad at an inmate who was giving him lip. He had this inmate backed up against the wall I stood right their next to him thinking "Oh great this asshole is gonna start something with this inmate and I'm gonna get busted for it right along with him." In the back of my mind I knew my job was to protect the inmate and my fellow officer I had to step in because i knew this was going to go bad.

Mind you I was only there for the day not the regular officer in this unit so I had no idea what had happened between these 2 people previously. All it took was for me to tell the inmate to return to his cell. It wasn't what I said it was how I said it I told him with my eyes "This CO is gonna hurt you, PLEASE return to your cell!!" and he did afterward the CO apologized for it to me and thanked me for standing next to him (I didn't have to) what he didn't know was I wasn't trying to back him up I was there to pull him off.

When your a peace officer you should always act to protect life. Ironically, that is the reasoning given for shooting inmates protecting life (go figure). When your a peace officer you will get lip it happens all the time if you can't take it get a new job. believe me the stress of a job like this gets to you. You take it out on your wife your kids and bitchy little inmates. But stress does not justify this behavior. He needs to seek help, unfortunately for him he will probably be seeking it from a psych-tech in jail.