
i loved doing lines off a girls lower back...a good arch is so fucking sexy

hell yeaaaaaaaaaa!!! you're welcome as long as you mail some buddha so its here when you get here too lol..but may i suggest we go to thailand for hooors because in korea they have an anti-foreigner kinda thing in most of the red lights, brothels, room salons, massaage parlors, etc. foreigners are stuck with the ugly leftover korean broads in certain areas.

thailand? they love all shades of penis!!!!!!!
hahahahah one of the funniest videos ever

i loved doing lines off a girls lower back...a good arch is so fucking sexy

hell yeaaaaaaaaaa!!! you're welcome as long as you mail some buddha so its here when you get here too lol..but may i suggest we go to thailand for hooors because in korea they have an anti-foreigner kinda thing in most of the red lights, brothels, room salons, massaage parlors, etc. foreigners are stuck with the ugly leftover korean broads in certain areas.

thailand? they love all shades of penis!!!!!!!

thai girls are good, but i prefer a punk/Japanese woman Asian woman with tattoos and piecings make me smile.
edit: butters version is the best
thai girls are good, but i prefer a punk/Japanese woman

oh no i whole heartedly agree..i fucking love japs. i LOVVVVVVVVVVVVE JAPS. one of my fav asians for sex.

i was just saying since rowlman is white (i think), it would be a much bigger selection of vagina in thailand than in korea for him
i loved doing lines off a girls lower back...a good arch is so fucking sexy

hell yeaaaaaaaaaa!!! you're welcome as long as you mail some buddha so its here when you get here too lol..but may i suggest we go to thailand for hooors because in korea they have an anti-foreigner kinda thing in most of the red lights, brothels, room salons, massaage parlors, etc. foreigners are stuck with the ugly leftover korean broads in certain areas.

thailand? they love all shades of penis!!!!!!!
...Korea, Thialand,'s all good if their pros....but I don't want ugly leftovers, ( well not with this it sounds fun...I love the rustic woods I live in now...but I do miss the city light's like at 10pm here everything is quiet...but the city is just starting up...fuck ,it's friday night and I have pajammas on already!!...I need to splash some water on my face and hop a flight out of this hick town
oh no i whole heartedly agree..i fucking love japs. i LOVVVVVVVVVVVVE JAPS. one of my fav asians for sex.

i was just saying since rowlman is white (i think), it would be a much bigger selection of vagina in thailand than in korea for him

i agree. im an american/euro/spic so i am compatible with all sorts of vagina's yay!
...Korea, Thialand,'s all good if their pros....but I don't want ugly leftovers, ( well not with this it sounds fun...I love the rustic woods I live in now...but I do miss the city light's like at 10pm here everything is quiet...but the city is just starting up...fuck ,it's friday night and I have pajammas on already!!...I need to splash some water on my face and hop a flight

haahahaha. the woods are awesome to be honest. im getting sick of city life
haahahaha. the woods are awesome to be honest. im getting sick of city life's always that way huh...I really do love my house in the woods but I miss the crazy city life....and when I was in the city all I wanted was peace and quiet!

but if I had to chose one...I'd stay here
yeah, i can get used to both..but i can only get used to the woods if i have weed. i can totally live in the woods with a lot of pot. i was born and raised in nyc so i'm pretty used to city spaces actually scare me sometimes. i remember i went down to my vacation house a few weeks ago and went out in the yard and it was PITCH black. like COMPLETELY DARK. granted it's not in the woods, its by the water but still...i started to freak out lolll

i want to buy a house in the woods down the road (in the future not literally down the road)...i would love to have a getaway place with NOTHING around and a lot of weed
...all thats around me is in my avatar...thats it...water and woods...and more water...and then more woods...and then some water...and then some trees...a deer or two...then more water
that's got to be so fuckin scary it would take a little time for me to get used to but i can definitely get used to it. i'd probably have super-extra-incredible-fantastic-omnipotent security around my even if a deer dared walk into my territory super-laser-beams would disintegrate it's existence. i'd be so paranoid living in the woods in complete darkness...but waking up early in the morning and smoking a fat ass blunt at like 5-7am must be fucking beautiful!!!!

do you live alone there or are you married? or have some young girls tied up in the basement? as long as you're not alone out there, i'm sure it's good
Someone Say Nintendo?

For DIY See SIG the mornings it's all fog on the lake in the back of that pic...and the daylight first appears on the lake and works it way toward the house...( the lakes way out back...thats a pond you see up close)'s nice morning view...and the night sky is really great on a clear night...sooo many stars....but the beer store is 20 miles away
KN...are we jackin your thread?? sorry, its all about shinpokemanmania here baby...just shootin the shit on breaktime
i love the woods and water the northwest is the best place in the states. i adore the redwoods i jerk it to them sometimes. gota be careful tho, the leprechauns DO BITE!
...damn little basterds...they steal oatmeal and marbles from my outside barn all the time...they don't bother the inside barns due to the weather i'm lucky from june untill feb. then the shit starts all over again
...damn little basterds...they steal oatmeal and marbles from my outside barn all the time...they don't bother the inside barns due to the weather i'm lucky from june untill feb. then the shit starts all over again

blast the fury bastards to hell! protect that oatmeal