Shiny Fan Leaves With Tiny Threads, Sheets Rolling Off, Droplets On The Leaves.


Well-Known Member
The best I can describe it. The fan leaves are shiny with... ...wht bother trying to describe it, here is a couple of pictures.

Shiny Fan Leaves With Tiny Threads, Sheets Rolling Off, Droplets On The Leaves.



Looking at it with my mini microscope the leaves look like they have a glazed doughnut appearance with drops on the surface. Looking at one of the 'threads' It seems like they might be the surface coating that pealed off and fell on the leaf. Is this stuff worth bothering over or is it just one of those things that makes you say, life is sure funny?
No, not bugs. I looked at them under a microscope and they are they are sheets of shiny material, identical on what is on the leaves. They are curled up which gives them the long skinny aspect.
Looks like shedded aphid skin. I'm fighting them right now. Check your stems for white bugs.
That is a more likely answer. I thought it might be bug related but I did not know they shed skin. Just saw a video saying that they can molt four times in their life. I did spray the leaves for them and it had them knocked down for a couple of weeks then they were back. I have them controlled again but I doubt it is the end of them. But I am guessing another 2-3 weeks and my plants will be done. thanks for the reply.
I almost guarantee those are thrips... had the exact same thing and up-and-down I swore that even under a 60 x they weren't bugs and then I found out what thrips were . super killed my yield and also really set back their growth I thought it was a nutrient issue and just kind of blew it off. the difference between my last run where I had that problem and this run where everything is fucking beautiful (enough for home only use anyway haha).
That is a more likely answer. I thought it might be bug related but I did not know they shed skin. Just saw a video saying that they can molt four times in their life. I did spray the leaves for them and it had them knocked down for a couple of weeks then they were back. I have them controlled again but I doubt it is the end of them. But I am guessing another 2-3 weeks and my plants will be done. thanks for the reply.
Green cleaner works well I have them almost gone with green cleaner, captain jacks, azamax, and got some botanigard now too.
I almost guarantee those are thrips... had the exact same thing and up-and-down I swore that even under a 60 x they weren't bugs and then I found out what thrips were . super killed my yield and also really set back their growth I thought it was a nutrient issue and just kind of blew it off. the difference between my last run where I had that problem and this run where everything is fucking beautiful (enough for home only use anyway haha).

Not thrips, I looked at them under a microscope. No bug there, could be their skin though. Here are the bugs.


What Gemtree says makes sense for what I see. Just inspected the fan leaves again and they are back, although just in their smallest stage.
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Green cleaner works well I have them almost gone with green cleaner, captain jacks, azamax, and got some botanigard now too.

I talked to my cousin who retired from doing gene modification of plans for a big not well thought of company which we will not name. She knows her stuff, told me to use a couple of tablespoons of dish soap in a quart of water and spray the leaves. It did seem to work, almost all gone in a day. But unless you get them all they will be back. Saw a ladybug next to a plant and I told her, "Eat, Eat, eat all you want. And have babies that eat." Then I got out my sprayer and sprayed the leaves again.
Found some more of the skin in higher leaves. Smaller than the other, found some small critters on the leave around them. Pretty sure that is what they are. Now the question. Are they smokeable?
Found some more of the skin in higher leaves. Smaller than the other, found some small critters on the leave around them. Pretty sure that is what they are. Now the question. Are they smokeable?
Anything's smokeable if you're brave enough lol. But yea they probably are fine just gross. You could probably pick the flying ones off with tweezers
Found some more of the skin in higher leaves. Smaller than the other, found some small critters on the leave around them. Pretty sure that is what they are. Now the question. Are they smokeable?
Gemtree is right, but smoking the end product should be the least of your worries. Root aphids are the cockroach of the cannabis world and you need to get a plan together for eradication (if growing inside).
Remember, RAs normally give live births but they do lay eggs that will overwinter and return. Be thorough.

OP, take the time to read this thread. Its a shitty battle but it can be won. Good luck and post your progress if you can. It'll help the next the grower.
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A lot to digest in the root-aphid thread. Thanks for the link. After I harvest this bunch I am sterilizing everything and not bringing plants in from the outside again. I had the biggest infestation that I can see on my Hempy plant. I don't think that it was because of the hydro, just missed some earlier infestation. Easy to check for root-aphids, no problem there. I'll check the others at harvest. I can't see anything like them otherwise.

Speaking of, I took a top off the Hempy one, bug parts stuck in places. Found some black bugs, winged and not. Whether they were alive before my inspection is hard to tell. I rinsed the bugs off the leaves and used a soft paintbrush to get the stubborn ones. In the end because the fan leaves were in sad shape by this time I defoliated. I read enough indecisive comments on it, might as well have a first hand opinion of it.

On the top that I took off, I did see some bug remains that I washed and brushed off. What do people who grow outside do about the odd bits and pieces?
Think you are right. These are the winged creatures I have.



And from the web, Fungus Gnats.


"Other signs to seriously look out for are pale leaves, brown edges on leaves and dark spots that occur on leaves. Other signs include leaf drooping, twisting and yellowing. "

Now I know why the yellowed. So both gnats and aphids. All I need now are spider mites.
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I don't think root aphids go on the leaves but I could be wrong. I've been trying to figure out which ones i have too but mine are green not black so hopefully just regular aphids. My flyers are black though but some pics says regular aphids and some root so idk.
Sorry, edited my last post ehile you were replying. Seems I have both. I am growing in coco for one, which seem to be a favorite munching ground for the root aphids. I am also growing in soil and one Hempy bucket. So lot of variety.
If they're on flower you can try peroxide to slow them down. If veg I've read merit or mallet 75 works just needs lots of time to leave the plant.