Shipping 8oz to Hawaii from Cali


New Member
First of all, if you're gonna tell me a bad idea, don't waste your time. I'm planning on doing it regardless, I'm just here to gather information before I do as I wanna do it right the first time.

My plan so far.

Put the weed in a vac sealed bag, put that bag into another vac sealed bag and throw some activated carbon in the middle. I am going to use FedEx overnight or 2 day.

I want feedback on my current plan as well as an answer to my question: Do I have to worry about x-rays and/or drug dogs? Since I'm shipping to Hawaii it will be on a plane obviously and I've read that they x-ray shipments but they don't always sniff them. If so, how do I circumvent the x-ray so they don't suspect it.

Thanks ahead of time!


Active Member
I have heard tinfoil doesnt allow penetration from the xray machine, however not being able to see anything might look sketchy so after youve got it sealed up, wrap it in foil and put something else in the package so they can see it. Not sure how the states is, but here you dont have to provide id to send a package so dont use your name or address. picking up the package is gonna be the scary part lol.
oh and dont waste your time with the carbon, youd have a better chance covering the bag with strong mint scent


Well-Known Member
I would research seal solutions. Wrap your double smelly proofs in layers of plastic wrap and the seal solution you researched.

FedEx overnight is a good way to go. They don't scan anything under 2lbs. Track it but don't get receipt of signature.

I'm sure I don't need to tell you this, don't use your info. Good luck


Well-Known Member
I've successfully done this using Fedex Canada from the US. PM me if you wanna know the method used to avoid detection by customs.

However, I would NOT recommend doing this via air...nor would I have even tried to do so.


Well-Known Member
So I know this guy...hmm hmmm.That has been very successful doing what you plan to do.He said to get a few of those big scented candles that the girls like and hollow the bottoms out until you have a cavity with decent width side walls and almost to the top wick of the candle.Vac seal the goodies as tight as you can and insert into the cavity making sure there is a bit of space between the bag and the bottom of the candle.Melt the bored out candle wax back down and pour back into cavity.Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
if they have dog, you can wrap it as much as you want, wont make a different, so the warping will only be so humans cant smell it

and if they do x-ray it, you cant really hide it, even if your able, Im sure they then will open to see what blocking, so better pack it so it look like a idem they know and make sense to ship (not some dump souvenir)

I just received a packed via air mail and it was opened for security reasons/check by DHL (the sticker on the box said)

best of luck IMO not even near to be worth it, grow it where you want to smoke it, trafficking is a bad idea


Well-Known Member
If your going to use jars, stick gloves on and stick in jars change gloves to seal jar and wipe over after, sniffer dogs will not pick it up. The main reason they pick it up is because the idiots always touch the outside after they put the weed on so it transfers!


Active Member
^ partially correct. however dogs smell it cause particles in the air get on the outside. you need to clean the outside package probably in a washer or dishwasher.

why worry about x rays? are you packaging human bones with it? if no, x ray wont see shit.

and uh... if you are shipping in domestically, via a courier, i highly doubt they will be using dogs.

but make sure you leave ample fingerprints, and include your name and photo, and adress. the police will apreciate you helped them do thier jobs.

why even think of doing something as mailing weed to hawaii? theres tonnes of grass on the islands. fucking brilliant
I know people who mail clones to the UK and weed all over the US.The US mail is the way to ship.The fed ex inspecter in my hometown got 10 pounds due to the oder coming from the box.They delivered it and he signed for it right before the AR 15s were put in his face.he will get about 18 months according to the latest news report.I saw 20 pound vacum sealed and it was really pretty small considering how much weed was there


Well-Known Member
So I know this guy...hmm hmmm.That has been very successful doing what you plan to do.He said to get a few of those big scented candles that the girls like and hollow the bottoms out until you have a cavity with decent width side walls and almost to the top wick of the candle.Vac seal the goodies as tight as you can and insert into the cavity making sure there is a bit of space between the bag and the bottom of the candle.Melt the bored out candle wax back down and pour back into cavity.Good Luck.
You forgot to include the Birthday card.


Active Member
Triple vacuums seal, split it up and hide it in something else, put it in a thick book or something small. Carbon isn't too necessary if you seal it up enough


Well-Known Member
3 or 4 vac packs. Seal one, then place it in the second and before you seal the second drop a slosh of rubbing alcohol, then seal second bag. Repeat until paranoia subsides.

Where I live everyone are getting packages, they come in every day. Its how 80% of west coast weed makes it east nowadays, at least in my area. All kinds of people /organizations moving less than stellar outdoor shit that isn't worth much out there.


Active Member
Lol im still pretty new here so i dont judge people on how long they have been riu members.

but i see why people do. whf is all the new members piping up and supportig this idiocy. anyone with a brain still remembers the us federal government still hates weed. who operates the post service? holy shit, the federal government.

mailing dope is a bad idea period. let alone a half pound. what is this genius thinking? even if its med related, if he gets caught, hes looking at major time...

why do people even think like this, let alone ask questions on how to do a worse job at violating the law. and the idea of putting activated charcoal in a bag... wtf how would that work. theres nothing drawing the smell thru it. besides, trying to hide shit from dogs is impossible.

overall, a thouroughly retarded idea. from every possible way of observing it, it seems completly dumb