Shipping Container advice?


Well-Known Member
My freinds parents are away for the weekend. We were planning on burying a shipping container in their backyard, one of those pods. We both work at the hd and figure we could pull it off. Does anyone in the VT area have a license? It's to rent the cat. Ty. :hug:


Well-Known Member
Advice? Don't do it. Far too much work and mess to clean up. You would tear up the grass there's no way to hide a recently dug area it'll be hyper obvious. Just do some Guerilla farming, find a nice secret spot in the boonies and plant outdoors

Edit: Your joking right?


Well-Known Member
lol, i just got my pain pills and i a little off. but seriosly i was walking around the hd and i was thinking i could spend all day there. any advice ontimers. a dgital flood timer wud rock