Shipping hash from Amsterdam to Berlin?

or even better a big tin of vasaline however you spell it, scoop a hollow out, fill with bagged up dope, then the stuff you scooped out, just mould it back over the top and run your finger around in circles and it'll be no more than a tin of vaseline :)

i've got weed through airport security like that, but it was only about a q and it was in my hold luggage so didn't get super-searched anyway.

davvadtron are you actually German or just living there cause your English is amazing is you are! I'm pretty sure jst taking it on the train concealed will be fine, there shouldn't be any border checks cause of Schengen so you'll probably be fine. I've travelled through a lot of europe on trains and cars and stuff and never been searched or seen sniffer dogs, although i've rarely had anything to hide.
Also heard that the sniffers they use are more often trained for bombs than for drugs, dunno if that's true or not though.
Good luck!
I'd just keep it in an inside pocket wrapped well in cling wrap, and I'd swallow only if there were dogs. Once they've found nothing on you ("hmm I had weed in this pocket before I got on the train officer, maybe the dog smelt that?") then throw it back up! Maybe leave an empty used baggy in the pocket just to reinforce the possibility of the dog smelling the remnants of your last bit of bud.

I'd pop it up the poo shoot but for the fear of a dog sticking their nose between my legs and getting me cavity searched lols.