Haha yeah, soil pix!

I'm waiting for humans to develop the technology to have a little hand pop out of the screen offering up a little sample instead, now THAT would be cool!! I sure would love to get a scoop of the bottom of the leaf pile you described under my nose - I imagine it'd be a treat!
I quite agree with you regarding the slow composting, in fact it's part of my "time axis" insights.
If we're going for a fungal compost, even with the thermophilic phase going well, it's still going to need time to develop its biology.
That's the confusing thing about fungi - on the one hand, there's Paul Stamets making jokes about inoculating the world with the fungal spores he brings with himself from the old growth forests he works in, on his body and clothes, giving us the feeling they're ubiquitous. But then I see all my soils and compost sporting mainly bacterial populations, making me think about conditions favorable to fungal development (LITFA!) and time as an indispensable ingredient for making that really good compost.
Same with a vermicompost - if I want that to go fungal, it will have to be after the worms have left, because compost worms LOVE fungi, and whilst studies have shown how their grazing increases fungal growth
rates, it also decimates their
numbers at the same time. So nevermind a fungal network developing as long as the masses of worms we have in our bins are still around. I've got a wormbin experiment going with lots of woody inputs, going to let the worms work through it really well, then let it cure at
least a few months and monitor how the microbial populations develop in that time. New insights to be gathered by the end of next year - unless I get so desperate for any halfways good compost I end up not being able to wait it out
That said, I'm still looking to make a few batches of thermal next year, collected all the leaves in the neighborhood and suspect I still don't have enough LOL
It does shave a bit of time off the process, so if I can make like 3 piles I may be able to leave one or two of them to sit until 2019.
Oh and no I don't have a thread going here at the mo, I did start one over on logical gardener in hopes of finding support on the microbial approach there, but it seems that with Tim Wilson taking a break, no one can really help me there either. Instead I'm being told to up my nitrogen, after posting microbial analyses that clearly show the problem is there's not a single flagellate or amoeba around for nutrient cycling (I do have a crazy large nematode population in there though) .. I could've gotten that here too...
That's what I get for choosing an approach that's not only on the cutting edge, but still also not universally recognized, never mind understood. I finally realized that if I want to know anything, I really do need to search in google scholar, and stop hoping for a nice n easy textbook that neatly bundles up all the different field of knowledge that converge in the soil food web
Yeah I was growing in what is supposed to become my seedling cabinet these past months, the PE was in there.
What I've got going at the mo:
View attachment 4065183
Northern lights#5 x haze on the left, at 81 days veg, going to switch her to flower very soon, and Mephisto Cosmic Queen auto at day 24 and in the middle of her growth spurt (the smallest plant is also CQ, but was actually meant to be culled and was VERY pissed off for getting transplanted instead, so is just a curiosity on the side). Started these 56l fabric pots from all recycled soils as my new no-tills, and have a ways to go to get a solid soil ecosystem established in there.
I'm really liking your ideas for further development, no-till is definitely the way to go! Looking forward to your soil mix recipe too!