Shnkrmn gets wet: 2010 Ebb and Grow multiple Strains


Well-Known Member
I finally bit the bullet. i have 7 A-train, 7 Chronic, 1 pure power plant, i power skunk. All feminized. They are in paper towels now, I'm soaking rockwool plugs for when they germinate. Once they get roots I'll be vegging them in net pots and hydroton in a small flood table yet to be built. When I get to the point of choosing mothers I'll put them in 5 gallon soil or hempy containers.

The 4 plants in the ebb and grow are doing really well. I added 60 ppm cal-mag +. pH has stabilized considerably compared to last week. I'm flooding 4 times a day with lights on 24 hours a day. Maybe I should increase that? I'll post some pix later.


Well-Known Member
Unbelievable! The Chronic seeds are all popping 25 hours after putting em in the paper towel. They are going into rockwool plugs after dinner.


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I increased floods to 5 times a day, still on 24 hours. Either that or the cal-mag I added a few days ago has really taken a nice effect. They are flipping out one new fan leaf a day now. I'll start flowering them in one week when I chop down the current flower crop. Then I'll move the mothers into the ebb and grow room and that will be the flower room. All the 'developmental material' will go into the former bloom room (God, I've built and destroyed cities down here, it feels like!).


Well-Known Member
All the A-train cracked as of this morning:hump: Everything goes into rockwool this afternoon.


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Judging by the first picture, I do not know how to fim.:dunce: It may not matter because one of these AKs is showing sex and it doesn't look good. I'll know in another day. Sorry, I can never get good tight shots of preflowers. I have a great camera too.

The plants in the ebb and grow are very healthy now. They were marginal when they went in. Really nice foliage and they have a bout doubled in size. I thought they would be a little bigger by now. I've raised ppms from 560 to around 700. I'm due for a res changeout this weekend, so I'm ready to switch that out if there's a problem, but I don't think there will be. In any case, I'm still switching to 12/12 at some point next week. Debating cutting some clones from my existing stock to fill out the buckets. I'm the most indecisive grower in existence!


Well-Known Member
And another question I'm struggling with; I plan on pretty much only flowering in the ebb and grow after this run, so I need a unit to veg in. The local store is selling a 14 site Botanicare turbo garden flood and drain for two hundred and change which is a steal as far as I can tell. That should allow me to veg clones while a flower run is taking place, so I can have perpetual harvests. The only thing I don't like about Botanicare units is the white plastic. Light definitely gets through into the res where you don't want it. Anybody have any experience with those? I have their clone machine. It's white and I have to admit, it doesn't get serious algae unless you run it for more than three weeks without cleaning. Opinions please!


Well-Known Member
On the ebb and grow side of things, I removed the 8 plants that were transplanted from hempy into the buckets. They were marginal at best and after 7 days, I removed one from the bucket and there really hadn't been any root growth at all. When I looked at the rest of them, same story. The roots were pretty much dead. So I kept the 4 that were transplanted from DWC; they all have roots poking out of the bottom of the buckets now and show a little new growth. I don't have them dialed in yet but they are enough to break in the new system while I make some new plants.

The plant in the background is one more mother that I transplanted to dirt (Why? I don't know). I'm just letting her have two more weeks to grow roots in the tub and then she's flowering too.

And that brings me to my next decision:
What to do????????????

I gotta germinate one or the other of these packs; A-train or Chronic? I'm leaning toward the A-train.
The two hempy grows Ive been watching are switching to ebb and flow I guess thats a sign :hump:.....good luck on the switch

PS...Ive always been interested in trying Serious's Chronic


Well-Known Member
Man... I would like to get some chronic.
I want to see how this comes out for you.
All the best.


Well-Known Member
Just got back from the hydro store. Got the turbo garden with 15 net pots. Got a gallon of 20% H202 and a gallon of cal-mag. Got plenty of foliage pro, so I'm set.

Now what?

The seeds are already popping out of the rockwool. I use the macroplugs that have a slit up the side. Soaked and phd and all that. Just laid the cracked beans in the slit about 1/2 inch from the top and closed it up.

Feeling that my new strains aren't going to be online soon enough, I cut 8 big clones from the last mother I've got and put em in the cloner. When they root I guess I'll put them straight into flower in the ebb and grow. I'm not sure if they'll survive the current nute load (720 ppm) that's in the system now. I guess I could add nutes to the cloner after they root or break out and let them veg in there for a week. I wonder if I can do that and avoid massive root tangles. hmmmmm.

The 4 plants in the ebb and grow are really loving life now. I need to start flowering them soon to avoid height issues later.

I'm definitely happy I bought the ebb and grow. I think my plan of vegging in 5 inch net pots filled with hydroton in the turbogarden then vegging for one week in the ebb and grow before flowering will give me perpetual harvests of big plants with a constant supply of large vegged plants ready to flower.:lol::lol:

Or maybe I should go back to hempy buckets.


Well-Known Member
First off, I finished a long two days of trimming and hung up an 'adequate' harvest. This is about 1/2 of it.

I've moved all my new flowering plants into the room with the ebb and grow. So as of today, I am flowering the 4 plants in the ebb and grow. On top of the three hempy moms which started flowering about 18 days ago and two soil plants I'm throwing in there just to keep busy. The I cleaned out the space formerly occupied by my harvested plants and set up the turbogarden and put the seedlings in their rockwool into net pots. They are receiving nothing but ph'd water right now. The rockwool is installed above the flood line. Two airstones, 1 constant circulation pump, the light is 40 inches above the plants. They are already a little stretched because I got busy with harvesting and couldn't get to this. They are just getting their first true leaves, so . . . .


Well-Known Member
hey bro-heim. just switched to lava myself (much like hydroton,
or so i have been reading) ... ebb 'n flow + drip. is there ever
enough time in the world to get everything done ?!

still watching,


Well-Known Member
Those are some bushy mothers
A couple months back I had a timer problem. I had a fan plugged into the outlet just above the light timer. There was a little paper warning tag on the fan plug. As the dial on the timer turned, the paper tag was tripping timer switches and I never noticed for maybe a week. I came downstairs in the middle of the night and saw a light on where no light should be. I was getting two light periods every twenty-four hours. :wall:

Well, I fixed the timer and ripped that stupid paper tag off, but all my plants had started to flower and I HAD to reveg them or lose the whole op. And you know when you reveg a plant they get bushy and branchy as all fuck. Great for cutting clones but I don't know about flowering. So now I'm flowering them and I have trimmed a garbage bag of little stupid branches off of them but they are still very bushy. Now they are about two weeks into flowering again. I hope they go all out.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday, two of my seedlings keeled over. Why? They were both at one end of the turbogarden and it turns out that end was maybe 1/4 inch higher than the other. So when I put the rockwool in the net pots those two weren't quite in the flood. I had levelled it, but I guess I needed to be more accurate or put the rockwool deeper in the pots (I thought I put them just above the flood line; I didn't want to drown them). Damn. I lost one chronic plant. :twisted: The A-train came right back though when I handwatered it. So I reset all the plants further down in the net pots and got a chance to see that ALL of them needed a deeper planting, there was barely one root thread sticking out of the bottom. I also dosed the tank with 150 ppm of Foliage Pro. This morning they are all substantially greener and bigger and second leaf sets are showing, so I guess that bullet has been dodged.

I watered the flowering mothers yesterday with FP and 1/2 strength Beastie Bloomz. They are forming really nice long colas, I think I'll be happy with them. I've got the FF solubles, so I'm just going to use those with FP as my bloom nutes.

I put my two AKs in the flower room for a couple of days to sex. I already kinda knew they were male, but I had to be sure. I trashed one this morning and the other will probably follow it tomorrow. Well, they were free from a friend but they were healthy, nicely shaped kush plants.

I will change the tank on the ebb and grow this afternoon; it has been 2 1/2 weeks. 4 plants don't really draw down 45 gallons very fast. After two weeks the pH is stabilized and the ppms have only risen about 20 in the last 4 days. Those plants are doing really well now. I'll be giving them a mix of FP and beasty bloomz, going for 850ppm.


Well-Known Member
I had 70 gallons of old perlite to get rid of. Biggest drawback to hempy buckets. Can't just keep putting perlite on your compost pile.:dunce:

Here's a view of the bloom room this morning before lights came on.

The 4 bucket plants have been stretching a little in their first week of 12/12.

The three mothers are pretty much going nuts making buds right

now. Each one is developing 5 or 6 big colas.



Well-Known Member
My sole remaining AK plant is a girl. So I've moved her back into the veg room and repotted in 3 gallons of promix/perlite 60/40.:hump:

I'm hoping she'll recover quickly from 6 days of 12/12 and resume vegging. I had given up on those seeds, 5 out of 6 were males.