Duhh.President Obama vetoes legislation passed by Congress that would repeal most of the Affordable Care Act, and cut federal funding for Planned Parenthood. Congress does not appear to have the votes to override Obama's veto.
It would have been smarter for them to break it up into two bills... Since it is all political bullshit anyway....
It is political bullshit by the Republicans. They don't have a plan to replace ACA, so they would effectively kick 22 million Americans off of health insurance and spike the prices of health insurance just to gain a political victory.
I think we're done.
They put 22 million more people on subsidized healthcare which makes it more expensive for the rest of us.
My insurance just went up over 25% this year alone.
I am more pissed off at the Republicans right now than I am at the Democrats..
If we want cheap competitive healthcare we need to go to direct payer competitive models. There is a blood testing company out there that is a perfect example. In a perfect world we would have botique testing labs and surgical centers that specialize in certain needs with up front pricing.
And if you really want to see the cost of healthcare drop we need to stop making it 'Free' and have the bill follow the person around until they can pay it or they die.
ACA is a load of lies sold to you by the same politicians that are still fucking you over. They put 22 million more people on subsidized healthcare which makes it more expensive for the rest of us. My insurance just went up over 25% this year alone. Thanks Obama for lying to us about prices dropping. The healthcare bill is a huge steaming pile of shit.
However, the Republicans knew the bill would get vetoed so they just did it for political points. What that means is they just wasted the money that I pay for their salaries rather than actually sitting down and trying to get anything done. Which is why I am more pissed off at the Republicans right now than I am at the Democrats..
If we want cheap competitive healthcare we need to go to direct payer competitive models. There is a blood testing company out there that is a perfect example. In a perfect world we would have botique testing labs and surgical centers that specialize in certain needs with up front pricing.
And if you really want to see the cost of healthcare drop we need to stop making it 'Free' and have the bill follow the person around until they can pay it or they die.
My Kaiser Health Care monthly employee contribution dropped to "0" in 2016......thanks ObamaMy insurance is dropping. My friends insurances are dropping. The only people that I know that their insurance is going up live in states where there are a lot of people who refuse to pay into ACA or they're Republican. Premiums are actually rising slower than they did beforehand - there's empirical evidence for this.
My insurance is dropping. My friends insurances are dropping. The only people that I know that their insurance is going up live in states where there are a lot of people who refuse to pay into ACA or they're Republican. Premiums are actually rising slower than they did beforehand - there's empirical evidence for this.
you just said it is getting more expensive for Republicans and less expensive for other people and you seem fine with that.... LOL!!!
My premium went from 280 to 360 per month and that is my empirical evidence.
It is political bullshit by the Republicans. They don't have a plan to replace ACA, so they would effectively kick 22 million Americans off of health insurance and spike the prices of health insurance just to gain a political victory.
I think we're done.
Prices usually go down when the number of suppliers proliferates and demand remains constant.
So when government creates regulations which restrict or limit the number of potential service providers in a given service area, they are part of the cause of the problem, hence not a part of the solution.
No "plan" is needed other than cronyism and facism and all the other isms of government simply need to get out of the way.
Attempts by the government to reengineer economic "laws" by statutory laws is like trying to outlaw gravity.
Prices usually go down when the number of suppliers proliferates and demand remains constant.
So when government creates regulations which restrict or limit the number of potential service providers in a given service area, they are part of the cause of the problem, hence not a part of the solution.
No "plan" is needed other than cronyism and facism and all the other isms of government simply need to get out of the way.
Attempts by the government to reengineer economic "laws" by statutory laws is like trying to outlaw gravity.
The issue wansnt restriction or limitation but the cost of a new start up insurance company, putting together exchanges and contracting doctors for the exchanges.
This to me is the fundamental problem. Healthcare shouldn't be a market.
This to me is the fundamental problem. Healthcare shouldn't be a market.
Yes, because we should not have innovation and competition, it should be a monopoly like the electric company... Oh wait.
If healthcare is a right then food and water are rights so all food, water, housing, healthcare should be free. Of course you would have to be assigned living space, you could not pick your own. Hey, this is sounding exactly like North Korea, I saw it in a documentary the other day. The people look so happy there as they worship their dear leader!!