Shocking Your Plants After Flowering


I want to know what my fellow growers hink about,shockingur plants with ice cold water after done flowering,to dry faster,to 3 days or so.instead of the traditional hanging,which takes weeks?

Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
That might make them turn purple, but I don't see how watering your plants will make them dry faster.


Sorry, Someone I know told me that if you poor ice cold water directly to the roots right before you harvest that the shock causes the plant to ("die" more or less) at a faster rate and lets it lose moisture faster & shorten drying time to days... Sounded a bit odd to me but I trust the sources opinion so I thought I'd ask around before I try it. Thanks for any and all opinions


Active Member
i think i remember reading something about ice cold water before harvest to get the plant to shit out as much resin as possible, not sure how much there is to that tho, i am interested tho..


lol i agree! i will give it a shot and c what happens,but if ayone has any intel please feel free to add comment


It might do something else to the plant. But I don't see how it will cause it to dry quicker. Not an expert or anything I just don't see how ice cold water would make them dry quicker lol it seems kinda weird. But if you plan on doing this let us know what happens. :)