Shoreline - !

Really good strain

I'm performing necromancy on this thread because I still have @shorelineOG 's original Shoreline x DHOG selection as a cut I got from him directly years ago.

I now have found someone who is sending me cuts of the original in trade. The provenance/acquisition story is pretty legit too. I really, REALLY hope it's the real thing because the Shoreline OG is so good, I have kept it going all these years. Fingers crossed.

I know Wes has since moved on to other interesting projects but I just love the terps. :-)

There have been so many inferior things released as Shoreline, people claiming to have the real thing, etc. I have been disappointed a bunch.

I think the real thing is starting to show up more now though because Bob Hemphill of Crickets and Cicada seeds has been breeding with it lately too.

Shoreline OG (Shoreline x DHOG)

I'm performing necromancy on this thread because I still have @shorelineOG 's original Shoreline x DHOG selection as a cut I got from him directly years ago.

I now have found someone who is sending me cuts of the original in trade. The provenance/acquisition story is pretty legit too. I really, REALLY hope it's the real thing because the Shoreline OG is so good, I have kept it going all these years. Fingers crossed.

I know Wes has since moved on to other interesting projects but I just love the terps. :-)

There have been so many inferior things released as Shoreline, people claiming to have the real thing, etc. I have been disappointed a bunch.

I think the real thing is starting to show up more now though because Bob Hemphill of Crickets and Cicada seeds has been breeding with it lately too.

Shoreline OG (Shoreline x DHOG)

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Ive started hunting Wes Shorline BX beans myself, along with fishscale and they are halfway through flowering . Im going to buy a couple more packs to hunt through now that i know what im looking for in the strain. May do a reveg if necessary
Ive started hunting Wes Shorline BX beans myself, along with fishscale and they are halfway through flowering . Im going to buy a couple more packs to hunt through now that i know what im looking for in the strain. May do a reveg if necessary

I put two Shoreline BX2 testers outdoors last year but I think they both turned out to be a males. I was going to run a whole tent of them if this cut doesn't turn out to be real. I'm hoping I don't need to now. :-)

His work is awesome, I don't think you'll be disappointed. The original unimproved Shoreline OG clone is awesome too.
@Stoned Cold Bulldog Look into the old dutch strain "misty" not early misty thats a cross that shit(misty) will mess with your head it smells almost akin to sweat kinda but when you smoke it it tastes and smells sweet tbh i dont find sweet strains rare skunky stuff i find far less common in most of the modern cannabis genepool mind you thats cos its not terps that are responsible for skunky smells in the first place its thiols and such there and for decades we selected away from the really loud stuff as well so i guess thats why its harder to find these days
I also just scored a pack of C&C/Bob Hemphill's Shoreline x Puck BC2. I'm excited to see what is in there at some point.

I have a feeling the rotten stank terp profile of the Shoreline cut is a recessive trait, and I'm curious to see if it comes through in the cross... It could take growing out to F2/F3 before that same profile shows up again.
Im going to try to get the Puck BX so i can do my own cross with a Shoreline genetics keeper. But on JBC when it drops!
I just got ahold of some cuts of the Shoreline that was offered on Strainly awhile back. I talked to Wes from Shoreline Genetics about it and the leaf pattern looks right. It's too soon to tell for sure though.

I have two other cuts coming to me to compare with and I'll post those when I get them in.

Here are pics from the person I received the cut from.



Compare to the Shoreline OG cut:

View attachment Shoreline OG_Leaf_Edges.JPG
OK, so the previous two Shoreline cuts I received are not correct. They were definitely called Shoreline for many years in Houston, but they are imposter cuts. The ones I'm talking about are from Cloney Soprano and the founder of Mammoth Microbes. They both taste like (IMO) the old AK-47 strain from Serious Seeds with extra puke flavor on top. Not skunky, more exotic floral crazy puke smell. They do have very interesting leaf shapes and are potent smokes. The Mammoth Shoreline is variegated but the Soprano Shoreline is not, otherwise they are very, very similar, if not the same cut just separated by time and growers.

I just received a cut from Houston that has got me excited. It took almost a year to get my hands on it. It's been very tightly held for a long time.

Here is the Shoreline OG cut I hold on the left, and the Texas Shoreline on the right. I just took a clone and hope to get it into flower soon.

ShorelineOG_vs_TexasShoreline (Large).JPG

ShorelineOG_vs_TexasShoreline2 (Large).JPG
OK, so the previous two Shoreline cuts I received are not correct. They were definitely called Shoreline for many years in Houston, but they are imposter cuts. The ones I'm talking about are from Cloney Soprano and the founder of Mammoth Microbes. They both taste like (IMO) the old AK-47 strain from Serious Seeds with extra puke flavor on top. Not skunky, more exotic floral crazy puke smell. They do have very interesting leaf shapes and are potent smokes. The Mammoth Shoreline is variegated but the Soprano Shoreline is not, otherwise they are very, very similar, if not the same cut just separated by time and growers.

I just received a cut from Houston that has got me excited. It took almost a year to get my hands on it. It's been very tightly held for a long time.

Here is the Shoreline OG cut I hold on the left, and the Texas Shoreline on the right. I just took a clone and hope to get it into flower soon.

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Thats no suprise the cut he selling as brightsides cheese isnt that either unfortunately it seems that cut never made it to the usa just the exo/uk one apparently anyone who thinks they got the brightside in usa has got the blue psycho i seen a thing about it on icmag it didnt suprise me if his shoreline aint right either
Both high & lonesome as well as Santa Cruz goat farm have the original shoreline. They both have really nice hybrids of it for sale