short and bushy slow growth


hey on my first ever real grow with 3 green plants are 8-10 inches tall and all were topped after 3rd node..but the fan leaves are so wide now it seems the light cant penetrate to the lower using 2 300w leds and my girls seem to love it but height growth is very afraid to tuck or lst the fan leaves because they are stiff and may break if bent too much and where they are so dense with veg growth there really is no room for tucking as they will hinder growth somewhere else..the temps here go down to about 55 at night and 65-70 during the day..its winter and im not a big fan of heat so i like to keep temps low in my house to save on heating costs..rh is usually low at around 50-60% but I mist daily with water and see very few signs of dry leaves..i try to stay on top of it but just cant seem to get the side branches to grow because of the huge fan leaves blocking the light..they are not on any schedule other than 18/6..feeding and watering is done using common sense..soil is never too dry or is usually between 6.5 to 7..they are in 3 gal buckets with promix,a root extender and all have a veg tab in each..fed using an all purpase plant food at 25-8-20 which was the best stuff i could find as i am on a budget..flowering will be 15-30-15..i know they are not the prettiest and may have a slight over-watering issue but im trying to resolve it.20190212_180259.jpg 20190212_180243.jpg

Does anyone have any recommendations i can use to get those side branches to sprout up over the fan leaves out of ideas and dont really know where to go from here..any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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T macc

Well-Known Member
I would either supercrop at the top node or if theres branches coming out, defoliate


Well-Known Member
Those look closer to sickly lettuce than Cannabis, lol just bustin your balls. I’d raise your light is you want them to stretch, that’ll make it easier to train and pick which fans to get rid of.


lights are usually 12-15 inches away..i always thought the idea is to have lights as close as possible without light burn for a dense and bushy plant...i grew a few autos that were pretty easy but this is my first photo period grow..its a learning process right now and yes, they were over-watered once and i let them dry for about 10 days before adding more today...should i let them completely dry? i said,they are not the prettiest but im learning..easy way or the hard


Well-Known Member
I’m still learning too, we are all always learning! Pretty sure you can get a giant cola with a plant like that.


Well-Known Member
lights are usually 12-15 inches away..i always thought the idea is to have lights as close as possible without light burn for a dense and bushy plant...i grew a few autos that were pretty easy but this is my first photo period grow..its a learning process right now and yes, they were over-watered once and i let them dry for about 10 days before adding more today...should i let them completely dry? i said,they are not the prettiest but im learning..easy way or the hard
Raise the light all the way up and leave it there.


Well-Known Member
lights are usually 12-15 inches away..i always thought the idea is to have lights as close as possible without light burn for a dense and bushy plant...i grew a few autos that were pretty easy but this is my first photo period grow..its a learning process right now and yes, they were over-watered once and i let them dry for about 10 days before adding more today...should i let them completely dry? i said,they are not the prettiest but im learning..easy way or the hard
Raise those lights!


Well-Known Member
I did last night,its about 30 inches away now..grow box is 3.5x3.5x6 so i have lots of hate to defoliate unless its absolutely necessary..raising the light makes sense..duh! jt
Raise to the top of the cabinet and leave it there. Let the plants grow into the light. No need to lower the light. If you need it closer put the on plants some buckets so they are closer but I would leave them very far away right now


Raise to the top of the cabinet and leave it there. Let the plants grow into the light. No need to lower the light. If you need it closer put the on plants some buckets so they are closer but I would leave them very far away right now
the absolute furthest i can put the lights is 31 1/2 inches from the canopy because of the hanging cables which are hanging from steel hooks..i use attached chains to put them very low if i have to..the top of my box is removable so i can always build another foot or so onto it if need be..i also did some light defoliating.

I bought a 3 way meter on ebay and am not sure if it reads light as lux or foot candles or whatever but it only reads at 500 now when it was between 1000-1200 before from the canopy..i guess ill just give it a few days or a week and see what difference it will sure it's a step in the right direction :)

This is the first time ive signed up to one of these forums even though ive read stuff for years..just have a hard time retaining glad i came to guys rock!
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Well-Known Member
Throttle back your Nitrogen appears they have plenty...maybe too much.

Easy on your watering...don't over do it.

Don't be afraid to remove the larger fan leaves. This will help promote the plant's ability to branch out. If your plants are any where near being healthy, this isn't going to bother them much. Obviously they will transpire less until they begin to grow out new leaves, so watch your water inputs during this time, but once they bounce back; Katie bar the door.

Good luck.


Throttle back your Nitrogen appears they have plenty...maybe too much.

Easy on your watering...don't over do it.

Don't be afraid to remove the larger fan leaves. This will help promote the plant's ability to branch out. If your plants are any where near being healthy, this isn't going to bother them much. Obviously they will transpire less until they begin to grow out new leaves, so watch your water inputs during this time, but once they bounce back; Katie bar the door.

Good luck.
they are only getting ph'd water for a while..It may have something to do with the Nirvana Veg tab i put in each one,only fed a couple times bc i was thinking they didnt really need it and the feedings were only about 75% full strength and never thought it would hurt them..was trying to be on the top end of what they could handle.

Today i said the hell with it..I removed about 75% of the fan leaves..did some lst on each one..pinched one that was topped to let the side branches catch up..they may be in shock for a while but hopefully it will make a huge difference..they are day 35 of veg..was going to flower at about day lots of time for bounce back :) leds were off for pics..i do have some work lights in there but they are never on at lights out.
the info and advice ive gathered on this post is very valuable..should have came here
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Well-Known Member
i was reading that indicas grow short and bushy and slower then sativa's but even for an indica that is fairly slow growth. i'd guess nitrogen toxicity mixed in with nutrient lockout. i've been running my own nutrient feeding schedule/measurements using fox farm trio and AN on my current grow and i find out that it's EXTREMELY.. easy to over feed them. at first i ran my grow at 1/4th strength then had to down it to 1/8th now i run it around 1/10th. they are green as fuck but not shiny and some clawing but not as bad as i've dealth with in the past.

i water 1gal only split among 3 plants every 2-3 days so they are not over watered. plants are slowing down in growth as well too ever since i LST'd but could be nutrient lockout tbh. tops on one of the plants are yellowing meaning nitrogen toxicity. i feed every single watering though so can't say i didn't expect this but yea over feeding can really fuck up your growth rate. did it with my last grow for experience.


i was reading that indicas grow short and bushy and slower then sativa's but even for an indica that is fairly slow growth. i'd guess nitrogen toxicity mixed in with nutrient lockout. i've been running my own nutrient feeding schedule/measurements using fox farm trio and AN on my current grow and i find out that it's EXTREMELY.. easy to over feed them. at first i ran my grow at 1/4th strength then had to down it to 1/8th now i run it around 1/10th. they are green as fuck but not shiny and some clawing but not as bad as i've dealth with in the past.

i water 1gal only split among 3 plants every 2-3 days so they are not over watered. plants are slowing down in growth as well too ever since i LST'd but could be nutrient lockout tbh. tops on one of the plants are yellowing meaning nitrogen toxicity. i feed every single watering though so can't say i didn't expect this but yea over feeding can really fuck up your growth rate. did it with my last grow for experience.
I knew i was gonna have relatively slow growth due to low temps in my house..but i also noticed some yellowing of leaf tips today so i think im just gonna cut out feeding altogether as i do have a veg tab in each..just ph'd water from now on until a week before flower with 20% runoff and pray i dont have to flush in the hoping that will help..i may also let them veg a little longer to make sure i get what i want out of them..another month and i think they'll be the size i want before not in a hurry as this is my first grow so i want to get the most i can but not gonna let it take next grow will be a little more productive from the get-go when the temps rise and i have "slightly" more and upwards