Short Path Distillation

cold gravy

New Member
I made a little diagram illustrating a simple glassware setup that could be used for distilling THC, i made this diagram based on Open Source Steel's short path distillation setup just for the purposes of clarification.

I want to discuss the pro's and con's of this method of extraction/refinement.
Heres a few videos by these guys:

I always thought terpenes would have to be distilled in order to be trapped and separated. The So what would actually end up in the cold trap flask?

Im pretty sure reading about something about how queen victorias chemist who made her cannabis fucked around with destillation.

I suppose this would only work for extracts right? And tham so muuuch oil they put in to get those drops on gold. Beautiful. Id love to see a rosin run!
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Well if u watch their videos you can see their process, the first thing they do is fraction off the most of the terpenes. The cold trap is just to capture anything that could possibly be sucked through the vacuum pump into the oil reservoir, i assume its just a pleasant coincidence if a considerable amount of terpenes are caught in the cold trap.