Short Rider AutoFlower grow help...


New Member
Hi I'm new to the site. None the less i just ordered a 5 pk of feminized short rider seeds. I've never grew auto flower strains before. I just got my grow room ready homemade lol I have a hps hydro farm 400 watt grow light and got a bag of ffof and some perlite. Was just curious if there are any more things I should add or any tips my local garden store doesnt carry much i got lucky on the ffof. I also have the fox farm trio nutes. And I know to only use 1/2 or 1/4 strength starting after the first 2 weeks. Let me know thanks


Start in the size pot you wanna finish in.....i started mine in a 3 gal pot. The least amount of stress is what you want with an autoflower.


Well-Known Member
when you plant them dont soak your pot
use a spray bottle to water
and use a handful of of seed starter mix about a party cups worth 4-6" deep where you plant the seed
soak this down with water put it in a cup and slowly add water
then put it into the soil
a soaked pot stunts growth at the seedling / early veg phase
some of that FF is too hot for seedlings and the start is what makes or breaks these plants


Well-Known Member
after it gets a few leaves slowly work up the amount of water
when its larger pick up the pot and water when it feels lite
it helps if it dries up a bit between waters auto's love it


I do exactly what tekdc911 does. Thats good info........ And the seed starter mix i use is jiffy seed starter mix (


Well-Known Member
there is stuff in a tan bag at the dollar store i started using its cheap and works really well
if i dont have any i use soil from my last grow flushed out and allowed to dry
that is if i had no terrible nute issues or ph problems

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Is this Nirvanashops SR auto?

Funny I just got some of those like a Minute ago..

One was a Dud... Which was odd as hell cause I've germed 1000s of seeds the same way with no problem. But I didn't bitch em out cause they were free anyways.. Loyalty Points go along way man.

Anyways, I put mine in those clear plastic ice cream tubs. I didn't wash em out so they'll probably get some Neapolitan and Rocky Road later on in life..

But yeah dude, water slowly, give all the light you can, feed them when they ask for food. Don't harvest early. Have fun!
Hi I'm new to the site. None the less i just ordered a 5 pk of feminized short rider seeds. I've never grew auto flower strains before. I just got my grow room ready homemade lol I have a hps hydro farm 400 watt grow light and got a bag of ffof and some perlite. Was just curious if there are any more things I should add or any tips my local garden store doesnt carry much i got lucky on the ffof. I also have the fox farm trio nutes. And I know to only use 1/2 or 1/4 strength starting after the first 2 weeks. Let me know thanks
With Autos you will barely use any nutes, and the first two weeks you for sure wont need any nutes the plant it self carries 2 weeks worth the nutes in it already. My first Auto was a "La Diva" from single seed center website and i think i added just a money shot of nutes around week 6 from seed, they really dont require much of anything. "Set it and forget it"


Well-Known Member
I've grown the strain and liked the product. The phenotype, what the plant looks like, tends to short and bushy. I had to put the pots on a table to keep them near the light. If I remember correctly they finished in 7-8 weeks in dirt. BigSteve.


New Member
Yep nirvana Sr fem seeds. Also I have a hydrofarm 400 watt hps light I believe its red spectrum because its a orangish yellow color I got it off craigslist for $20 bucks