Shortening flowering period


Well-Known Member
Due to unforeseen circumstances I'm going to have to harvest about a week earlier than the recommended 8 weeks of flowering. Is there anything I can do to speed up the maturing of the buds, even at the cost of mass?

I'm nearing the end of week 4 of 12/12 and the buds are just starting to put on some weight.. more pics in my grow journal.


Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
The only thing you can do is start adding some nutes high in P and K plus some SugarDaddy, Sweet or molassas (some kind of sugar)to help the buds bulk up. From what I understand you cant speed up the finish time. The plants decide that stuff. If you pull it early it will be lees stoney because the trichs will still be clear. Once they become cloudy its getting more psychoactive. When the trichs are half cloudy and half amber its the best time to chop! Once they become mostly amber its couch potatoe weed! Good Luck!

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hey jrk, whatever the circumstances, you will be screwed if you harvest now. Those flowers appear to be at least 8/10 weeks away from any harvest considerations. If you have to take them now, just hang the entire plant till dry & make honey oil out of the whole bio-mass.
Good luck & good grow.......BBbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Yes, there is and I did it my last grow when I was fighting a gnat infestation and my plants were miserable in Miracle Grow. You shorten the day on them. Instead of running a 12/12 schedule, run a 6/12 or 8/12/ or 10/12 schedule. Since you've got to cut a week, that means you've got 168 hours to shave off. You're not going to be able to do that in three weeks, because at most you can shave off 6 hours everyday, I wouldn't go any lower than that. By switching to a 6/12 schedule you'd be able to shave off 126 hours though, which will get them a lot closer to completion than they otherwise would get.


Well-Known Member
Actually, my math is wrong because I was counting the last week as a full 7 days of 12/12, and if you change the schedules It's like you get an extra day of growth every four days. You'd probably be able to get them pretty darn close to being done. You'll lose some mass, but like you said you'd rather have a finished product or as close to it as possible.
Conversely, you can also lengthen the days in order to make your plants take longer to flower but produce more. I haven't done that yet...


Well-Known Member
darkdestruction420 my relatives are coming so everything has to be out.. nothing really can be done about it

airant thx for the suggestion with the lighting, I read about that somewhere else but wasn't sure on how valid the information was. I'll probably be adding an hour of darkness to every night cycle from now on.

Thanks everyone for the help
I am going through that exact situation right now. So i don't really understand by the hour but if im on a 12/12 now at the 2nd week of flowering it just means the buds will be ready around the 7th week instead of the 8th?


Well-Known Member
that wont work, shortening the photoperiod will not make flowering occur or finish any faster. Sorry to burst your bubble bro.......
Straight with me i just checked em out today, the bug problem is diminishing and i just gotta repot which sucks but they need some better growing medium then this bs MG shit.