Should bernie drop out

I'm 65 and I'm observing you like a bug under glass.
So do you figure Donald is an unfit asshole?
Where do you stand on this basic question of good and evil?
You said you were a clever fellow, let see if you are.

Hi DIY, I don't really care if a President/candidate is an asshole or not. He can be an asshole all he wants... as long as he is capable, I'd vote that person. I wouldn't even mind a cocky-ass President as long as he truly IS that good. Trump isn't capable though, he's playing games at the White House and it's rife with distrust and confusion. That's not leadership quality. It's clear to see he thinks people around him are expendable and has no respect for the US's great institutions established for centuries. He has no qualities of a leader worthy of the US.
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Hi DIY, I don't really care that a President is an asshole or not. He can be an asshole all he wants... as long as he is capable. Trump isn't capable though, he's playing games at the White House and clearly runs it like he runs his business as corporate mogul. It's so clear to see he thinks people around him are expendable and has no qualities of a leader worthy of the US.
Then I don't have too much of an issue with ya, I just chop off trumpers heads, to everybody else I'm quite friendly. Since your new here it's important that people know where you stand, there are factions here now on the democratic side but it will soon end.

The epidemic gets worse by the day and congressional oversight is coming, think Donald will try to withhold documents and witnesses? The senate is ancient and shitting in their adult diapers, they are at ground zero, no more fun and game for docs and witnesses this time, this as politically hot as it gets, people will want to know.
in 2016 Sanders was +13 v. Trump and Clinton within Margin of Error..she was shoved down our throats and what happened?

were people fearful in 2016?

Now, in Michigan, you're talking nearly everyone who voted Sanders 2016, voted Biden 2019? They're completely two different is that even possible?

Every county in Michigan went with Uncle
In the 2016 Dem primaries Trump wasn't part of the equation. Even most Republicans thought he was a joke of candidate at the start or their own primaries.
if you were in Florida, they'd Baker Act your ass..jesus.

what the f is the 'internet research agency'.
You seem to be getting dumber and dumber as the years go by.

So you deny the existence of internet trolls but also believe that the entire primary system is rigged because the guy you wanted to win got beat like a drum.

Please keep posting. You make me laugh.
if you were in Florida, they'd Baker Act your ass..jesus.

what the f is the 'internet research agency'.
The bag lady is getting cranky. That time of the election cycle when she goes off the deep end. It's worse this time.

Remember when you were explaining how great Bernie was at negotiating and he was going to buy up the votes of the superdelegates? April 1, 2016

Actually, that was really funny.
In the 2016 Dem primaries Trump wasn't part of the equation. Even most Republicans thought he was a joke of candidate at the start or their own primaries.

weren't the gop primaries simultaneous to dem primaries in 2016? dem field narrow in 2016 they ran numbers against all in the gop field; Clinton was within margin of error and forced upon us.

just like now.

except it's biden.
weren't the gop primaries simultaneous to dem primaries in 2016? dem field narrow in 2016 they ran numbers against all in the gop field; Clinton was within margin of error and forced upon us.

just like now.

except it's biden.
I think the trolls like this poster are designed to say things so ridiculously false that people that somewhat want what they are saying to be true don't feel as stupid for believing what is obviously untrue.

And by drawing fire from the people pushing back on their asinine comments, they activate that 'my team is under fire' feeling in the slightly more rational people who like Sanders, which hardens their cult in 'them vs us' mentality.
Hi DIY, I don't really care if a President/candidate is an asshole or not. He can be an asshole all he wants... as long as he is capable, I'd vote that person. I wouldn't even mind a cocky-ass President as long as he truly IS that good. Trump isn't capable though, he's playing games at the White House and it's rife with distrust and confusion. That's not leadership quality. It's clear to see he thinks people around him are expendable and has no respect for the US's great institutions established for centuries. He has no qualities of a leader worthy of the US.

but you voted for Trumpy*, didn't you?