Should Britain leave the European Union?

Should Britain leave the European Union?

  • Yes, Freedom from the Eu

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • No, Strength in numbers

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters
That means racists voted Obama into office twice!!! How bad can they be?
i have no idea sorry, putting the word 'racist' in a sentence confuses me enough, let alone answering q on it. .... political ones especially.

Like i say i'm not racist never have been, how about you ? are you political aswell ?
i have no idea sorry, putting the word 'racist' in a sentence confuses me enough, let alone answering q on it. .... political ones especially.

Like i say i'm not racist never have been, how about you ? are you political aswell ?

I am not racist either although you wouldnt know it from all the cat calls on this site. My point is that if everyone is racist like people claim then racists cannot be half bad. Every person who is a bigot and or has any shred of predjudice gets lumped into the racist group now. In fact, I am not sure who isnt a racist by the liberal definition anymore.
Ive had racism on london bus people in sheiks calling me a white devil coz i stumbled half drunk on the bus,what could i say back.
i laughed it off good job they wernt fanatics id b gone.
still not racist.never voted on thu.coz i didnt have a fuking clue and hope my vote doesnt destroy u.k
all my friends in cumbria voted out.
i worked on the channel tunnel for 4 years...why.....
To be against uncontrollable emigration is not the same as being racist!!!!! We in the UK live in one of THE most diversely multicultural societies on the planet and for the most part we ALL get along pretty well. It's been that way pretty much as long as I can remember, there was open racism in the 70's, but it sort of fizzled out throughout the 80's. There will always be individuals and minority groups who are racist within any society and just because 'some' of your political preferences overlap, doesn't mean you are a racist!!!!

There are a lot of Asians of Indian, Pakistani and Bangladesh origin around here and they all want that cos they're scared of the brown people ruining their economy? There are 9 million foreign citizens in the UK, did they all vote remain? Did they fuck, cos they've seen the country becoming vastly overpopulated without the required increase in infrastructure too.

There are a lot of Polish, Russians, Latvians, Ukranians etc, on the building sites I work on(funny, you don't see any Italians, French, Spanish or Greeks, yet they have huge unemployment, what does that say?). They ARE taking British jobs, but they're great lads usually and always hard workers, so I haven't got anything against them. What I am against is the fact that they can claim from our very generous benefits system for child support for children who do not even live in this country and guess what, we are powerless to do anything about it because the EU says we can't. Our taxes, along with Germany's, were propping up the EU and as crisis after crisis would have kept coming, trying to plow more and more money(debt) into a broken system, guess who'd have been paying and with no way of refusing.

UKIP is not a racist party!!!!! It's leader may be a buffoon and he may or may not be racist, but he's saying the things the common working man wants to hear.(I don't support UKIP or any other political party for that matter, just to clear it up) What you are reading and posting are sensationalised, out of context news reports and headlines, from the other side of the Atlantic, YOU, like our own Government, haven't got the slightest fucking clue what is actually happening here.

It wasn't about emigration for the majority of the British public, that's just what got sensationalised on the news and in the papers again, it makes for better headlines. For me and most of the people I spoken to who wanted to leave, it was about democracy. Our system of democracy is far from perfect, but it is better than being ruled by un-elected bureaucrats in Brussels, power was increasingly moving towards central Europe and it was becoming like a dictatorship, that's why we voted out.

Would you allow Canada to make rules for the USA??????????..................although they'd probably do a better job, I doubt it.

51.9% of the BRITISH public voted out, it's called democracy, get over it and stick to worrying about Trump

but the majority of the 'leave' votes came from supporters of nigel farrage's ultra racist UKIP party though. i'm not sure that there are gonna be a lot of non-whites in a completely racist party like that one.
How the fuck do you know that? did you ask every 'leave voter' what political party they supported?
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yes it is.


and your expertise in this field is derived from? reading something in a 'news'paper or possibly even worse, online? Labeling everybody within a group of people, because of the views of some within that group is almost akin to stereotypical racism, in fact it is, isn't it????????? what's the difference???????