Should Christians judge God?

Hey Eye. George states that he believes that some things listed in the bible actually occurred, and most did not. He believes that he is christ because of specific biblical content, which I am assuming he believes actually occurred, is similar to his own life. My question to him is; what if the biblical content he is basing his belief that he is christ on is included in the majority of the bible that did not actually occur? Wouldn't that mean that he may not be christ? IOW, if the Harry Potter series wasn't fiction and I realized that my own life is strikingly similar to the lives of sorcerers in those books, I may believe that I, too, may be a sorcerer. But if I found out the books were actually fiction, the similarities of those sorcerer's lives to my own wouldn't really mean anything, since those things in the books did not actually happen because they are fiction. Is my logic not as clear as I perceive it to be?

I'll start with what is known: I can't believe you asked me if your logic was off :lol:

What a western believer calls Christ is the 'core' of a person (many do not realize that this is the core of their belief). At the lowest the ego has less sway and what is left is the 'core' being. The core can be seen as pure potential - "rise again".

Did you say Harry Potter? Did I say "rise again"?

Belief and intelligence are two very completely different things.

Did you know that some of the most prestigious and intelligent people on the planet are religious, and believe in all sorts of superstitions such as christianity, judaism, hinduism etc. etc.

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Just because people believe in stupid bull shit (religion/theology/astrology/scientology/karma etc. etc.), does not make them unintelligent.

Greatest i am, bigot of the year?? The jury is still out on this one, there are many contenders.

Einstein was not a believer but I do not have time for a pissing contest on what neither of us can prove. As to the award. I don't care so do your childish garbage elsewhere. Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small mindsdiscuss people. EleanorRoosevelt Regards DL
Eye, eat 10 grams of cubensis mushrooms to achieve ego loss, and i bet you you'll leave the experience with no more knowledge than when you started. Maybe new or different ideas, but knowledge... nah. Just ideas man, it's pretty much all we got.. everyone just likes to throw theirs out as truth most of the time.
Excellent topic

Who died and made christians omniscient?

The bible was written (and/or rewritten) by the controllers.

Who are the controllers?

Who is God? Does God exist? Is God a judgmental/punishing God? Did Jesus die on the cross for our sins?

For these answers and more as to who the Emperor really is, I offer you Click on Media > scroll down to the interviews. Here's a short one
It's one of the best shows on TV but how our universe began- doubt it

Belief and intelligence are two very completely different things.

Did you know that some of the most prestigious and intelligent people on the planet are religious, and believe in all sorts of superstitions such as christianity, judaism, hinduism etc. etc.

View attachment 2904657

Just because people believe in stupid bull shit (religion/theology/astrology/scientology/karma etc. etc.), does not make them unintelligent.

Greatest i am, bigot of the year?? The jury is still out on this one, there are many contenders.
Ego should be tamed (like any animal to be domesticated), not lost

Eye, eat 10 grams of cubensis mushrooms to achieve ego loss, and i bet you you'll leave the experience with no more knowledge than when you started. Maybe new or different ideas, but knowledge... nah. Just ideas man, it's pretty much all we got.. everyone just likes to throw theirs out as truth most of the time.
It's one of the best shows on TV but how our universe began- doubt it

The Big Bang theory is supported heavily by evidence. If it's wrong then the theory only requires the most minute adjustment. Some of the supporting evidence includes: red-shifting of galaxies (ie. expansion of the universe), cosmic microwave background radiation (ie. the last scattering surface). Also, the elementary particles could only have formed in such high energy conditions.

The big bang describes the universe after the initial 'moment of creation', it does not describe how the singularity came into existence in the first place. Theologians certainly cannot answer questions that physicists and cosmologists can't.

It has been theorized and accepted by many physicists (such as Hawking and Krausse) that the universe has a net energy of zero. Since the positive energy of matter can be cancelled with the negative energy of gravity. Only a zero energy universe can be created from nothing. Through the process known as quantum fluctuations, virtual particle pairs can pop into existence from literally nothing. (There's experimental evidence of this)

We do not know what caused the big bang, but there is a mountain of evidence that this is what most likely happened at the beginning of our universe.

But good for you, doubt is a great companion to have when contemplating everything.
All very nice (text book regurgitation), BUT, energy is nether created nor destroyed and all illusory manifestations of physical reality come from the MIND of who/what ever is the ONE true Creator. More likely that we are a hologram of its/his/her thinking than anything physical, per se. But hey, what the hell do I know?

The Big Bang theory is supported heavily by evidence. If it's wrong then the theory only requires the most minute adjustment. Some of the supporting evidence includes: red-shifting of galaxies (ie. expansion of the universe), cosmic microwave background radiation (ie. the last scattering surface). Also, the elementary particles could only have formed in such high energy conditions.

The big bang describes the universe after the initial 'moment of creation', it does not describe how the singularity came into existence in the first place. Theologians certainly cannot answer questions that physicists and cosmologists can't.

It has been theorized and accepted by many physicists (such as Hawking and Krausse) that the universe has a net energy of zero. Since the positive energy of matter can be cancelled with the negative energy of gravity. Only a zero energy universe can be created from nothing. Through the process known as quantum fluctuations, virtual particle pairs can pop into existence from literally nothing. (There's experimental evidence of this)

We do not know what caused the big bang, but there is a mountain of evidence that this is what most likely happened at the beginning of our universe.

But good for you, doubt is a great companion to have when contemplating everything.
Eye, eat 10 grams of cubensis mushrooms to achieve ego loss, and i bet you you'll leave the experience with no more knowledge than when you started. Maybe new or different ideas, but knowledge... nah. Just ideas man, it's pretty much all we got.. everyone just likes to throw theirs out as truth most of the time.

I know what you're saying, Strife, can you get there without the zoomers?
NO, holograms do not, BUT, they do have AI, which has no soul, and is only conscious of its' function- much like a computer. This could well be an imagining from the mind of the one true Creator.

Perhaps our task here is to reprogram it with our collective thinking. I know I do my best to awaken people, but it's hard to separate individuals from the herd mentality.

Keep in mind, we are consciousness having a physical experience, not the other way around, so who knows what the real purpose is

Yes. What can a hologram know? They do not have minds. Regards DL
NO, holograms do not, BUT, they do have AI, which has no soul, and is only conscious of its' function- much like a computer. This could well be an imagining from the mind of the one true Creator.

Perhaps our task here is to reprogram it with our collective thinking. I know I do my best to awaken people, but it's hard to separate individuals from the herd mentality.

Keep in mind, we are consciousness having a physical experience, not the other way around, so who knows what the real purpose is
The herd mentality is whatyou have to tap into to get the results you want.

You say an AI "is onlyconscious of it’s' function”. I do notagree and would say that it cannot be conscious without a consciousness.

Your last put’s the cartbefore the horse. The physical comes and carries the consciousness not the wayyou have it.


OK, 'conscious of its' function' was a bad choice.

I believe that it can be reprogrammed to do our bidding instead of 'theirs'

And of course we have to mine the 'sheeple' to amass the opposing energy needed before we will see the dark energy disappear before our eyes.

That said, more and more 'sheeple' are waking up, and as a result, the dark is being exposed as never before

The herd mentality is whatyou have to tap into to get the results you want.

You say an AI "is onlyconscious of it’s' function”. I do notagree and would say that it cannot be conscious without a consciousness.

Your last put’s the cartbefore the horse. The physical comes and carries the consciousness not the wayyou have it.

