Should Democrats shut down the debates?

It would be smart to shut down all rallies, townhalls, and debates involving Biden. Just run ads that are free of senility and give the appearance of a strong candidate. I think that strategy gives the best chance of winning in the fall.
It would be smart to shut down all rallies, townhalls, and debates involving Biden. Just run ads that are free of senility and give the appearance of a strong candidate. I think that strategy gives the best chance of winning in the fall.
dont you support the “windmills cause cancer” guy who’s constantly wandering off stages and slurring his speech
I'd take Tulsi over Trump or Biden if I had a say. Hope you are having a great day.
Of course you would. Tulsi will be an Independent by the end of this year too. Democrats, me included have been naive about letting just anybody participate with us. This season, two people who weren't Democrats made high stakes bids for our nomination, then cried foul when we voted for one of ours. Now you are blathering on about what you expect us to do. When did we tattoo "Welcome" on our backs?

It's the outrage you and idiots like @schuylaar express when we reject candidates that they want but were never Democrats that is the most informative about this whole mess.

So, yeah, Democrats owe nothing to an Independent who only ever ran against Democrats. We don't owe him the chance to smear us again in a debate. Cancel the damn thing and say it's the only responsible thing to do. For the greater good. Cancel the debate in the name of preventing the spread of fascism COVID 19 and all that.
Biden crushed Bernie across the board even though Trump impeached himself trying to manufacture dirt on Biden, the Republicans using Trump's impeachment trial as a platform to propagate the Russian hit job on Biden for two weeks, Bernie's running for 5 years with help form the Russians and his untraceable tens of millions of micro donations, and Joe did it on a shoe string budget.

It's over, Trump decided he didn't need to do the debates in 2016 (when he scammed the vets he was going to donate his rally earnings to), there is no reason for Biden to carry on with Bernie's farce anymore and should just call it now.

He can put out a nice rebuttal video on all the points Bernie is pretending he is running for, like bringing healthcare for all in the form of expanding Obamacare to 100% of the population and his affordable college plan, and send it to all the networks and allow them to submit questions for him to answer.

Joe Biden can use the over of the virus to usher in the era of remote telecommunications when it comes to politicking.
This place is going to be hilarious when trump landslides over that senile old fuck Joe or that wannabe communist Bernie. I don't even like the orange shit stain, but there is no blue, or even bluish candidate who is worth their seat in any office.

The only good politician is no politician. Watching stoners, of all the types of people on the planet, take such a hardline pro establishment, pro status quo, pro corporation stance is an insult to all the wannabe revolutionaries and hippies who birthed them.
This place is going to be hilarious when trump landslides over that senile old fuck Joe or that wannabe communist Bernie. I don't even like the orange shit stain, but there is no blue, or even bluish candidate who is worth their seat in any office.

The only good politician is no politician. Watching stoners, of all the types of people on the planet, take such a hardline pro establishment, pro status quo, pro corporation stance is an insult to all the wannabe revolutionaries and hippies who birthed them.
This place is going to be hilarious when trump landslides over that senile old fuck Joe or that wannabe communist Bernie. I don't even like the orange shit stain, but there is no blue, or even bluish candidate who is worth their seat in any office.

The only good politician is no politician. Watching stoners, of all the types of people on the planet, take such a hardline pro establishment, pro status quo, pro corporation stance is an insult to all the wannabe revolutionaries and hippies who birthed them.
Lol, you support Trump.

There is little we can say that is more damning than that.
This debate blows. Biden does better when he gets bored of Bernie's populist messaging and can't stop himself from calling him out on it.

Bernie is so boring, He just asks a bunch of rhetorical questions and then attacks 'big business'.
Bernie just pulled the Biden is against SS, Medicare, and Vet programs.

Bernie is just talking about Edited quotes and taking things out of context. Acting like he is contradicting himself when Biden is saying everything was on the table to cut, when it was a Republicans plan that was going to gut those programs and Biden was working to try to save the programs.

While Bernie plays puritan, and does nothing to help the situation.