Well-Known Member
Believe it or not, in many places around our nation local ordinances and neighborhood covenants actually do act to prohibit the growing of food on one's own property.
In addition, how does an apartment dweller grow enough food to do anything significant?
Food is a basic human right. Starving the masses has rightly been seen as a regime ending mistake for thousands of years; even Caesar knew this and subsidized bread and circuses when Rome's Senators refused to feed them.
THAT'S actually what made him so popular that the Senate had to assassinate him to regain power.
History; read up or repeat it.
Funny how the government prevents us from having a fire, growing food, owning land and every other basic right we had before society when it suits them.
Ask the hundreds of millions of Russians and Chineese that have starved to death due to government negligence, corruption or maliciousness over the last 100 years.
Yeah, government is the solution to everything. Dead people dont need much!!!