Should food be a right?

Should food be a right?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 63.8%
  • No

    Votes: 17 36.2%

  • Total voters
Feed the Hungry.......:roll:
If you're being sarcastic/facetious.. Hurr hurr hurr.
If you're being legit, right? What's so hard about understanding compassion for your fellow man? Some of these Trump supporters seem to want to live in a society where their Doctor should be a hardass and tell them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps when they get metastasized colo-rectal cancer.
If you're being sarcastic/facetious.. Hurr hurr hurr.
View attachment 3673307
If you're being legit, right? What's so hard about understanding compassion for your fellow man? Some of these Trump supporters seem to want to live in a society where their Doctor should be a hardass and tell them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps when they get metastasized colo-rectal cancer.
View attachment 3673309
A gauge of a society is how it treats it's lowest members......the poor & hungry
Need is infinite. Where do you stop?

There is always someone who has more need than you. Do you make sure your neighbors get fed? Your family? Yourself? Where do you draw the line and say, I am sorry, I cannot supply all the need.

For myself, I take care of myself, my family then my community and outwards.

I donate money and goods to the causes I believe in without government interference. That way I am free to choose who to help.

I dont worry about 'other peoples money' because it isnt my business and I dont want to be villified if I work hard enough to be wealthy. Is that so hard to understand?
A gauge of a society is how it treats it's lowest members......poor & hungry

When was the last time a US citizen starved to death? Now we gotta support your munchie habit as well?? Picketing for Cheeto's?

If there are people hungry then feed them yourself or support a cause that feeds them, do not demand that everyone else feed them while selfishly doing nothing.
When was the last time a US citizen starved to death? Now we gotta support your munchie habit as well?? Picketing for Cheeto's?

If there are people hungry then feed them yourself or support a cause that feeds them, do not demand that everyone else feed them while selfishly doing nothing.
America became great off the backs of the laborers & lower class.....
When was the last time a US citizen starved to death? Now we gotta support your munchie habit as well?? Picketing for Cheeto's?

If there are people hungry then feed them yourself or support a cause that feeds them, do not demand that everyone else feed them while selfishly doing nothing.
Too funny this. Young families with children and not enough income receive food assistance. People that are too old to work receive Social Security. Social assistance to the poor is working to prevent the absolutely worst way to die. So, to answer your question, starvation unto death is rare because federal and state aid prevent it.
Who got paid and became middle class and then upper class.

Poor is not a disease, you can change it.

So very true,
In most nations today, inequality—the gap between the rich and the poor—is quite high and often widening. The causes are numerous, including a lack of individual responsibility, bad government policy, exploitation by people and businesses with power and influence, or some combination of these and other factors.

on the other hand, Hoarding and extreme Greed is a sickness.
Starvation is used as a tool by authoritarians to control the masses:


The dreadful famine that engulfed Ukraine, the northern Caucasus, and the lower Volga River area in 1932-1933 was the result of Joseph Stalin's policy of forced collectivization. The heaviest losses occurred in Ukraine, which had been the most productive agricultural area of the Soviet Union. Stalin was determined to crush all vestiges of Ukrainian nationalism. Thus, the famine was accompanied by a devastating purge of the Ukrainian intelligentsia and the Ukrainian Communist party itself. The famine broke the peasants' will to resist collectivization and left Ukraine politically, socially, and psychologically traumatized.

The policy of all-out collectivization instituted by Stalin in 1929 to finance industrialization had a disastrous effect on agricultural productivity. Nevertheless, in 1932 Stalin raised Ukraine's grain procurement quotas by forty-four percent. This meant that there would not be enough grain to feed the peasants, since Soviet law required that no grain from a collective farm could be given to the members of the farm until the government's quota was met. Stalin's decision and the methods used to implement it condemned millions of peasants to death by starvation. Party officials, with the aid of regular troops and secret police units, waged a merciless war of attrition against peasants who refused to give up their grain. Even indispensable seed grain was forcibly confiscated from peasant households. Any man, woman, or child caught taking even a handful of grain from a collective farm could be, and often was, executed or deported. Those who did not appear to be starving were often suspected of hoarding grain. Peasants were prevented from leaving their villages by the NKVD and a system of internal passports.

The death toll from the 1932-33 famine in Ukraine has been estimated between six million and seven million. According to a Soviet author, "Before they died, people often lost their senses and ceased to be human beings." Yet one of Stalin's lieutenants in Ukraine stated in 1933 that the famine was a great success. It showed the peasants "who is the master here. It cost millions of lives, but the collective farm system is here to stay."..

Feeding everybody in this country, and the world, for that matter is not a technical problem, its a political one. The wingnuts posting in this thread are closer to Stalin in their attitude towards hunger than they would like to admit. The use of starvation, or the threat of it, to control people should be a thing of the past.
We feed other countrys and give billions of tax payers money away,I say we should feed the American people in this country and stop giving money away to other countrys that we don't have.America has been broke for a long time and one day that America is going to clopast,you just cant keep giving money to othere countrys that we don't have with out going broke.I hope trump brings back jobs to America and if he don't there will be no America soon for it is coming faster then people think..I wish I was wrong but iam the presidents in the past has sold us out to the highest bidders for a long time..the people that is just to lazey to work should be made work for all the free stuff they get from the tax payers.To many people have growed up to depend on the government and there kids do the same and they could work if they would but there just lazey.It is the working mans money that the government has been giving away to buy the ellections and it needs to stop.Dem, are the worst in the usa to give away free stuff to buy peoples vote and it has broke the American people.Iam a reg, dem. but I am sick of the dem, and rep, so this election I will be voteing for TRUMP AND PRAYING FOR CHANG that is long over due.
Hand out seeds and info. Too lazy to grow then too lazy to benefit from the labor of others.I know I get sick of trucking for 60+ hrs a week and pull up next to a person using "food stamps" and they have 20" wheels on a newer vehicle than im driving (99 dodge). Oh and thier kids all have the latest cell phone models standing in line while using that government credit card. Makes ya wonder-oh wait no it doesn't.

sounds like you should go on welfare and be less bitter.
We feed other countrys and give billions of tax payers money away,I say we should feed the American people in this country and stop giving money away to other countrys that we don't have.America has been broke for a long time and one day that America is going to clopast,you just cant keep giving money to othere countrys that we don't have with out going broke.I hope trump brings back jobs to America and if he don't there will be no America soon for it is coming faster then people think..I wish I was wrong but iam the presidents in the past has sold us out to the highest bidders for a long time..the people that is just to lazey to work should be made work for all the free stuff they get from the tax payers.To many people have growed up to depend on the government and there kids do the same and they could work if they would but there just lazey.It is the working mans money that the government has been giving away to buy the ellections and it needs to stop.Dem, are the worst in the usa to give away free stuff to buy peoples vote and it has broke the American people.Iam a reg, dem. but I am sick of the dem, and rep, so this election I will be voteing for TRUMP AND PRAYING FOR CHANG that is long over due.

says the guy from KY who's state is number 10 in receiving more in aid from the gov't vs what they put in. clean up your own shithole state before you criticize others.
Federal spending received for every tax dollar paid: $1.75
Rank: 10
Rank in 2005: 9
Federal spending received for every tax dollar paid per capita: $2.45