High gardening lovers! I have an issue. (Surprise surprise) . I have 6ladies in 2(us)gal fabric pots and they are drinking themselves dry every day. I can't afford the electric to repot and maintain the vegin light schedule for another 2weeks so after feeding them on 600/700 ppm every day at lights on, I'm diluting the couple of litres of feed left with water, pH it again obviously,and bunging a half litre in each pot just b4 lights out. I'm using hydrogen peroxide every other mix as I do with enzymes. Half strength calmag root boost and GHE Flora trio. I'm bining the run off. Just using the diluted remains of the main feed. I'm not fushing too often as I don't use an overly strong feed mix. If I can keep it up with the topping up with a half litre of diluted mix every day at lights out am I taking a calculated measure or is there any reason that this is going to f'up? Their main feed is always around 20% run off. The pH has been dropping off from 6.5 to 5 9 - 6.2 after weeks of flushing with enzymes to get rid of the soil mix contamination in the coco. But back to my question. Topping the pots up with a half litre at lights out isn't going to be a problem is it. I still feed to good run off at lights on.