Should I Abort My Grow-Op !?!?!?!?!?!?


Hey guys, I live in a country in central america and I have 4 x 1-foot tall plants in my backyard and today the choppers went by 3 times over my house! They flew quite low and slow, but didnt stop, I think they might have spotted the plants! I won't put them outside for at least a couple of weeks and keep growing them indoors with cfls. What should I do?! should I expect a sudden raid? should I throw them away, and throw my personal stash away?! please help!


Well-Known Member
The fact is that most likely the fly over had nothing to do with you. That being said, you can't rule out that it might be exactly what you think. If the country you live in has harsh penelties for cultivation or possession, I think it might be prudent to bail out. If you don't, you will spend the next several weeks jumping at every loud noise. that's a hell of a way to have to live.

Judging from the size of your plants, you don't have too much time invested yet. If you spent some big bucks on the seeds, I might cut a clone and hold onto it. Keep it small and reclone when it gets big enough to make you nervous just in case you do happen to get a visit, or have someone you trust keep a plant in veg for you.

I don't let paranoia control me, but I've learned, over the years, to believe in the saying "he who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day" when it comes to things like this.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I live in a country in central america and I have 4 x 1-foot tall plants in my backyard and today the choppers went by 3 times over my house! They flew quite low and slow, but didnt stop, I think they might have spotted the plants! I won't put them outside for at least a couple of weeks and keep growing them indoors with cfls. What should I do?! should I expect a sudden raid? should I throw them away, and throw my personal stash away?! please help!
Wait... they're in your back yard, but you won't put them outside for at least a couple weeks. What the hell?

Oh wait, I get it... you're saying you move them in and out and you're going to stop putting them out for now?

If that's the case, I'd say fuck it... if they by chance actually were patrolling your plants: as long as no chopper is in the air while you're dragging them in, they'll probably assume they spooked you and you got rid of 'em. I'd probably finish the run indoors and not worry bout it...

But more likely it had nothin to do with ya...

What country? What are the laws like?


New Member
well i would keep them inside for a bit and veg em. I think if you have plants outside, your best bet is camoflage it in a garden.


Well-Known Member
well i would keep them inside for a bit and veg em. I think if you have plants outside, your best bet is camoflage it in a garden.
Agreed... I would low stress train to make it look like a low-lying bush, and plant in ground rather than in a pot so they're less conspicuous...


Wait... they're in your back yard, but you won't put them outside for at least a couple weeks. What the hell?

Oh wait, I get it... you're saying you move them in and out and you're going to stop putting them out for now?
Yeah exactly, I put them in a spot for a few hours and then move them to a second spot as the sun moves away...

If that's the case, I'd say fuck it... if they by chance actually were patrolling your plants: as long as no chopper is in the air while you're dragging them in, they'll probably assume they spooked you and you got rid of 'em. I'd probably finish the run indoors and not worry bout it...
Well, this is how it happened... I heard a chopper coming so I waited for it to go through, choppers go by all the time but this blue and white one flew by pretty close. I went outside as it flew away and turned. According to my calculations the chopper didn't see them from the trajectory they went through. I moved them closer to the wall (which makes them harder to see) as quick as I could and then seconds latter it passed by with about the same trajectory. Given that the chopper was going round like that I took them and brought them indoors, as I heard it go round the neighboorhood, then it passed a few secs latter but the plants were long gone. So basically they either saw them and then saw they were moved, or didnt see them at all. I think if they were patrolling the plants another chopper had already seen them.

I live in Guatemala, and the president is, strangely, talking about legalizing drugs... I really have never heard of anyone being busted, however I dont know about too many people growing.... I think cultivation means a few years in prison but who knows how the laws work...

Im thinking of continuing the grow indoors and just putting some identical pots with nothing but dirt on them where I always place the plants. That way they might think they scared me off...


Well-Known Member
It costs a fair amount to put a helicopter up in the air, even for one flight. I seriously doubt they are there looking for a couple of fairly small MJ plants. Paranoia is good to a certain extent, but logic is generally a stronger factor in my opinion. Exercise your logic and good luck with it.
Peace, DST


Active Member
As DST noted, it takes a lot of money to keep the birds in the air. Probably the chopper was working in support of ground based police to find a suspect or they were busting a major dealer or something along those lines. Check your local news for stories about a crime. The cops would surely want to publicize how necessary choppers are for fighting crime.


As DST noted, it takes a lot of money to keep the birds in the air. Probably the chopper was working in support of ground based police to find a suspect or they were busting a major dealer or something along those lines. Check your local news for stories about a crime. The cops would surely want to publicize how necessary choppers are for fighting crime.
Well, the thing is I live in the suburbs so, its hard to think of a major dealer or crime. That being said and oddly enough, I think the neighbors have a history of dealing, but I doubt they do anything from the house. I've seen a plant in there before though. Theres also a pot-headish University on the other side of the block, theres a little snacks shop where a guy likes to deal to students...