Should I be concerned


Active Member
I'm in week 5 of my PK grow. Starting to see some buds. But also seeing a little discoloration on some of the leaves. Mind you, its not on a lot of the leaves and it doesn't look really bad. The bright discolororation at the top I think comes from the light resting on the leaves. I skipped a day or two of checking on her and when I went back to my closet she had grown up to the light. The darker Discoloration just showed up today and i don't know what the hell it is. I haven't been feeding any nutes at all. I have FF Grow big but haven't used it. Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom are both on the way. (USPS SUCKS!!!!!) And she is in FFOF soil. Which is why I haven't been feeding to this point.



Well-Known Member
wait untill you get ur nutes and dont start them on a full dose build your way up ie go grow quarter strength for 2 weeks then to half for 1 week then onto full the nextweek
good luck man:D


Well-Known Member
Most likely weak nute burn from the FF OF. Don't sweat it. Just plain water until they look mostly normal and then 1/4 strength nutes - no higher! Feed, water, water. IMPORTANT you do this because when (not if but when) you screw up and feed two times in a row you will not be on here whining about more problems. Keep the light close. Better they singe an edge than s-t-r-e-t-c-h.


New Member
They look good friend.

Like everyone has said, go very light on nutes and water-water-feed. I use to do water-feed-water and paid dearly for it with burn. I even did feed-feed-water early on at low doses and really burnt my plants.

Less is more when it comes to nutes.

Your plants are very green for being in flower, no grow nutes needed anymore, you have plenty of N(nitrogen). Get that big bloom going and be careful with the tiger, it's powerful.