Should I be worried about the curved leaves on the right flower?

Alright, thank you! I didn't spray on the little ones intentionally, I have no humidifier so I have to spray the area like every 2-4h to keep my humidity at 55-65%
I agree with comfort creator. I put a bowl of water with a towel hanging out of it and draped across the floor of the tent, than a fan blowing across the towel. Drops my RH 20% in a small tent.
You have drainage in those pots? I live in a very dry environment and it is just easier to cover my seedlings with a clear plastic cup or baggy for the first 5 days or so to help keep the humidity up. I remove these covers several times each day for a little bit for airflow.
Ok I will do holes in em ASAP.
You also need to do a little more basic research on your own on don't want to be in here every couple of days with a new question getting a whole bunch of different answers and no idea which way to go. Do a search for basic cannabis growing in soil, read alot and learn as you go.
Don't worry. I've done a lot of research already, BUT, reading and observing other people is far from the experience it self. + there usually is 1000 different answers to these ''basic'' questions. I do have 11l fabric pots and thought about planting straight to them but once again, 100 ppl say 100 different things. So went to the ''cup first and transplant after 2week/ish'' method.
Don't worry. I've done a lot of research already, BUT, reading and observing other people is far from the experience it self. + there usually is 1000 different answers to these ''basic'' questions. I do have 11l fabric pots and thought about planting straight to them but once again, 100 ppl say 100 different things. So went to the ''cup first and transplant after 2week/ish'' method.
Oh I'm not worried...maybe you have done alot of research, but if you don't even have drainage in your pots, you've not done it very well is what I am saying.
Well didn't see the reason to it since u don't actually water the plants the first days. I only spray water at the top of the soil to make it wet. I do think it's going to be okay. I just seemed to do it too often as the reason for my picture and this thread. With this being said, I don't think there are going to be any root rot when I transplant in few days = No need for holes, comprehend? Now I appreciate the help and I've done my research well enough.
And I also thought this forum thing it self is to get help if needed? + I already got my answer 1000 years ago so why still comment on this post bro? x)