should i be worried !!!

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
im not sure if i should be worried but why are the leave's on top of my colas realy narrow should i be worried and how do i correct it ive been growing for 2 years now and never seen this before

deep water culture hydro
g/h floro nute's constantly 70-74 degree's
ph between 6.0-6.3





Well-Known Member
they sort of look like sativa leaves.. from what the pics look like, or at least most of them, the leaves are cupping.. i cannot for the life of me remember what the cause is though. sorry i couldn't help more..

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
well the strin is haze and they seem to be very heathy it a real nice grow too i just never seen it before


Active Member
To me, it looks like the beginnings of a zinc deficiency. I had leaves that looked like that during my grow that went into the yellowing that were the tell tale signs.
Also, what is your humidity?

I just got snuck back up on with a zinc dif and had to go back with a couple real heavy waters with some epsom salt (light on the epsom).
Just throwing it out there..Again, I had leaves that looked exactly like that when I had too much sodium build up in my soil (because i used *drum roll*, water at the tap with perfect PH; right after it came through a water softener ;-)
mine did the same thing. and the problem was over watering. i did not water for like 2 weeks and the plant came back just fine and the new grow didnt cup at all. but i never could get the damaged leaves to straighten back out.

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
well im not sure about overwatered becuse they are hydro dwc do u think that a zinc def would make them real narrow and droppy like that


Well-Known Member