Should I bother Using a fogger mister in my diy aeroponics


I don't think its the dry fog that ultrasonics produce,

I imagine its something similar to natural fog,

dense and heavy.

How about a sprayer ( 0 = plant, X = sprayer)

0 0
0 0

every position like so, and the finer stuff underneath / closer to the root mass.

too much water means more, thicker, drinking type roots, and less fine branches or whatever, ultimately meaning less surface area?

so less water is probably actually more effective?


I will spare you my story. It was, terrible. I had a whole tub of delsym in my basement, like waaay over 100 bottles. !!!! lol, but its not a controlled substance thankfully!

I do have an awkward cadence, my post would probably make more sense right after reading your own.

I have an ultrasonic type humidifier which is starting to work well for some seedlings.

Have a good night!

lmao im coming off it now but i just reread your answer and the most confusing part earlier was the diagram and i didnt even pay attention to the what was in the parenthesis about plant and sprayer i am such a fuck up lol
so i guess i though you just put a few x's and o's for fun
i take back previous stoned comments, i missed that you are talking about running water pressure misters. It all comes down to your pump; you'd need enough pressure to make those misters work. I don't think it can hurt the plants at all, it can probably only help. Personally, i like the little red sprayers because although they can get clogged with roots, they are easy to clean. I would be worried about those misters getting clogged completely with pieces of roots, so you would need a good filter on your pump. Pantyhose around the intake reportedly works as well to keep tiny pieces of root out of the system.
the foggers are a great option if u have the pressure to run them thay create a smaller micron droplet and alow the plant roots to uptake nutes more efficiently i have an ultrasonic nutramist fogger that is quite different from the foggers u are looking at but it grows 10 times better than my normal aero system but thay are a bit on the pricy side.
ne way look at it like this

Fogger= finer mist and better nute uptake and faster growth but need higher psi to run
sprayer= larger micron mist but still good growth rate and less chance of clogging

i would suggest if ur gonna run a multi rail system fill one with each and see how u like them
that should make sence but the ak has fried my brain so good luck
:) If you haven't died yet I definitely recommend it :)

You gotta go with delsym though. It doesn't have anything other than dxm in it, in thier special "polystyrex" molecule... It's the grittiness to it.

Do two bottles, or a little more if you're experienced.

And you can separate it out just through a dilution, all the polystyrex molecules fall to the bottom. I then packed it into gel caps. Good stuff.

Just don't do it too much or too often, I had a friend develop an arythmia, irregular heartbeat.

Its cool how it messes with your brain stem so hard, I dunno how much I like that almost throwing up feeling in your throat...
:) If you haven't died yet I definitely recommend it :)

You gotta go with delsym though. It doesn't have anything other than dxm in it, in thier special "polystyrex" molecule... It's the grittiness to it.

Do two bottles, or a little more if you're experienced.

And you can separate it out just through a dilution, all the polystyrex molecules fall to the bottom. I then packed it into gel caps. Good stuff.

Just don't do it too much or too often, I had a friend develop an arythmia, irregular heartbeat.

Its cool how it messes with your brain stem so hard, I dunno how much I like that almost throwing up feeling in your throat...

Ive done 900 mg be4 and woke up with a swollen face lol so im experienced but im not sure if thats a good thing and I try not to do it at all but every once in a while i crack when i have no weed but hopefully my grow will work well and i never have to do it again.

heres a post about my experience doing 900 mg

Originally Posted by Stonedwall
oh also dont ever do 900 mg of dxm while your haning out with your girlfriend and she is unaware you just did that because she will question you and you will have to say i feel dizzy because I sprayed all of that raid on the perimeter of the patio and when she takes you to walgreens so you can get aloe because you are itching like crazy and you wander around aimlessly not remmebering anything that happened in walgreens and you fall asleep for 13 hours once you get home and tell your girlfriend i just think i need some rest ill see you tommoorw and wake up with the left side of your face swollen and then you tell your girl friedn that you seem to remember punching yourself in the face last night on accident and she believes you trust me its a bad idea i know from experience(this really happened to me)
So maybe dont try dxm or do it in small doses because i was hooked for a little while and would do it about 3 times a week with weed and my grades slipped a little i technically didnt pass a realestate finance class but i think the teacher noticed the deteriration of myself throughout the course of the semester so he took pity on me and gave me a c-(by the end of the semester my hair was relatively long and never combed and my beard was relatively full grown) so im going to try to not cut my hair / beard for the last month of each semester so teachers feel bad for me lol jk but it crossed my mind
The dxm k-hole.

A place where not even light can escape.

900 mg of pure dxm, no other shit?

Pretty good. I love that feeling when you just start to dissociate... and you go shit i need to go to bed right now!

Its fun to do a little dose while drinking,

but yeah...

probably not a with any frequency kind of thing.
You do what you want. I dont know you guys,but DXM will make your IQ go way down while abusing, takling it, whatever.I just wanted to let you know. Im not judging you. Peace:lol:

The dxm k-hole.

A place where not even light can escape.

900 mg of pure dxm, no other shit?

Pretty good. I love that feeling when you just start to dissociate... and you go shit i need to go to bed right now!

Its fun to do a little dose while drinking,

but yeah...

probably not a with any frequency kind of thing.