Should I cage my outdoor plants to protect from....???

I’m kind of lazy to bring wire to protect my outdoor plants from deer, rabbits etc… In you opinion, people who have actually grown outdoor in Southern California should I spend the extra money to cage my plants? What kind of wire and where should I buy? How big should the wire cage be?Any info or advice would be greatly appreciated..Thanks in advance..


Well-Known Member
Are deer a problem where you live? Center of LA and you are fine w/o. Outskirts of SD and you might want to throw up chicken wire.
I once saw a deer or elk or something in my area because its by a few trees..its gonna be out in the hills of cali..not back yard it will be alone and there is squerells, rabbits, coyote's skunks, rats prob..


Well-Known Member
Of those you only need to worry about the deer. If you put em out small the deer will munch the shit of of them. If you put em out larger and there is enough alternative vegetation around they might skip em by. Could try peeing and spreading bags of human hair around - this generally keeps em back to an extent as long as you are not near any major deer paths.


Active Member
Yeah deer are such a giant pain in the ass bc they eat just about anything green. 2 seasons ago I had one jump the 8.5' fence around my veggie garden and ate everything. In my experience, tall physical barriers are the best preventative. But like gastanker said, you can use human urine, some use urine from various predators too. Good luck with your grow man.


Well-Known Member
If u build individual cages around them, as well as protection from animals they double as support as your plants get larger and get heavy buds


A respectable friend of mine that only grows guerrilla would tell you that he uses bars of cheap soap. He places them in the area he's growing. Deer hate human scent. What do we smell like? SHIT, that's right.


Well-Known Member
(here in the plains.)
I would use 1/4 in square cage material.
Without em its a total gambel here. I tried chicken wire it stoped rabbit an deer, but mice/rats got right in an killed em.

I treid .....soap, mothballs, hair, piss, cat an dog shit, red fox piss, deer rabbit repelleant spray, garlic spary an more

Lost about 25 plants last year, Only got a few small caged clones to harvest.

Ps : You must also protect the roots, they will burrow in under the cage unless you got something to protect the roots.
I made cages for the roots last year, this year Im using 5 gal buckets.


Active Member
I am a farmer, when harvesting corn alot of times I just pile the corn on the ground till I have time to haul it, damn deer love this. At times I have had upto 400 deer eating. Cheap perfume does wonders, spray it around like a mad man. Just watch out when you come home and wife smells you reaking like cheap perfume!!!!! Another is coyote urine, they absolutely despise this. You can do a search for trapping supplies and you should be able to find it. Grow happy and have fun


Active Member
i leave dead animals by the plants, it scares the living ones away. mwuahahaha :fire::fire:

but seriously cages are the best investment, it pretty much ensures the survival of your plant(s). i grow about 5 plants per year for personal use, i use hair around the spot as a preventative measure, but the cages are bulletproof, nothin is gonna munch on your ladies, after my first outdoor grow a while back got all eaten up, i used cages since. im pretty sure rabbits eat young marijuana plants aswell. that was my biggest problem cuz where i live we are infested with them.


Active Member
I've been told spreading dog hair around the plants works like a charm. I have a heavy deer population in my area and i just hang a bar of scented soap from a nearby tree and pee all over the place. I've never had a problem.


Well-Known Member
I’m kind of lazy to bring wire to protect my outdoor plants from deer, rabbits etc… In you opinion, people who have actually grown outdoor in Southern California should I spend the extra money to cage my plants? What kind of wire and where should I buy? How big should the wire cage be?Any info or advice would be greatly appreciated..Thanks in advance..
i have found that deer grnerally wont eat hemp especially if ya use a little seven dust they will however trampel and lay on your girls the best defense i have found that is low profile is 4 foot lengths of half inch re bar drive em in the ground and leave 2 feet sticking above ground i use 3 per plant and posisition the in kind of a triangle pattern ths will stop the deer from walking over your plant and keep them from laying on them if you have groundhogs around they are a huge problem cause they will strip a small plant even if treated with sevendust best way to deter groundhogs is kill em!!!i killed between 25 and 30 of em two years ago good luck!!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
build a fence around your patch, logs in dug post holes, chicken wire 4ft, tight wire around the top, attach the fence to the wire with smaller strands of thin wire, Peg the fence down and the job is done , no animal worries. Carry the roll of wire out there. Lazy grower = idiot with no buds. :sad:


Well-Known Member
Yea last year I setup a 100 foot roll of steel four foot fence. I dug four holes for the wood corner posts and attached the wire fence to the wood post with a staple gun. Then I added a few plastic posts on the side for support.

It did a great job keeping the rabbits and deer out of my patch. And my grow is right next to a rabbit burrow. I filled in the fenced area with clones and they were very well protected. The animals tried to dig under the fence to get in but they gave up. Instead they munched on a few plants I had outside the fence.

It was a pain bringing that big thing out into the bush but its a good solution. Another thing that might work is a deer net mesh fence. It would be much more packable but not as permanent.
I like that statement, " lazy growers=idiot with no buds" So true *BUDS..Ima make it happen this year. Ill post pics of my cages and how my girls r doing!