Should i check my ph in my water after i add my nutes or in the soil after i feed????


I checked my ph in my water after i added my nutes and it was 4.9 i am preety sure i should ph up before i feed what do you think?????will the ph change once put into the soil?????(sunshine#4)the reason i am asking is i have been having yellowing and curling problems and i could not figure it out so i finally checked my ph in my water!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
any exposure of nutes to a ph of 4 can cause elements to precipitate out which can lead to deficiencies .

if your ph is dropping to 4.9 after mixing i would add half your nutes then ph it keeping it above 5.5 then add more nutes then ph it again. try not to let it get that low.

sounds like your source water is low to begin with or you're ph'ing it before adding nutes.

i check the ph of my water which is normally between 7-7.5. then add my nutes. check ph again its usually around 5.8-6.2 depending on what else ive used, i then adjust to 6.

hope this helped
