Should I chop? HELP


Active Member
This is my 60-day old white dwarf which says to harvest in 8-9 week (it's at 8.5). just took off a nug to check. We looked at it and heated it in the oven on super low, below THC vaporizes, to see whether it gets u high yet. The nug did in face get me high and it was even a little wet.

The hairs are about 60% brow/amber and 40%white. I'm going to leave it's slightly younger sisters a few more days. Should I leave this one too, will it be bad that I cut a nug off to test? Tell me what you think, here are some pics [sry, I don't have the SLR so I can't get better shots, will take better shots when I harvest the others later this week]:



Active Member
I had to chop her due to the issue that my grandma is coming to visit on monday, she's cool but not that cool. I needed to get this process started, and most of the trichomes/hairs were showing some mix between cloudy and amber. I went for it, but I didn't chop her all the way down. I'll finish tomorrow with her, her name is sleepita. Her 3 sisters will wait until this weekend, or later next week for the hide-able little ones; maybe the other big one will get chopped Fri. Will update with better pics later... on my grow journal.

I have them drying in my closet with the door open hanging upside down on a hanger connected by some painters tape. I have the heater on in the room but its nowhere near them. The clippings are in a cardboard matzo box that I have been shaking regularly. I am going to make a bahng tea infusion and some butter with them.
Everything sound okay?:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
no, you need them to be in absolute darkness. IF your closet is open, chances are theyre getting hit with light. Close the closet


Active Member
thanks, will do. I also have the black out shutters on the windows and I'm going to leave them all day and night closed.