Should i cut my fan leaves?

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Well-Known Member
Your best bet is to really flush te plants are slowly ramp up the nutes again. Next few waterings give them atleast a gallon of water per gallon container.3 Gal container give them 3 gal of water. I would also use ClearX or similar. I have had the same leaf curl issue myself and it was always over fertilizing for me even though the leaves werent burning. also let them dry out really well betwen waterings.
Ok. Cuz normally ill give them a gal between the two of them and they do well, atleast i thought, with what theyve been getting. Thanks man


Well-Known Member
does it have to be a flush thing like clearx? can i just flush it with RO water? im assuming RO stands for reg old water right??? lol no no reverse osmosis!


Well-Known Member
There is an argument here that happened the same way my thread went. I'm on 1600 comments of retardation...

Japanfreak merely suggested cutting fan leaves off one and leaving the other alone. It's the most rational idea and he only suggested a basic experiment of the best proven results and possibilities off doing 1 thing...(cutting fan leaves)

then other people started degrading him with no proof or evidence in their defense and just went with calling him names.... it's cute, but you guys should really grow up and spit some facts and science instead of being forum trolls

Dick Moser

Active Member
i do the same, im trying to grow buds not leaf and if the buds have leaves of their own (sugar leaves) then why would i (using a full line of bloom nutes) have any reason to keep the "store room" that are fan leaves???? i do like to keep them until about half way through my flower stage but have never noticed any lacking weight, keep up the good work and grow um big. i saw a few pics on here that looked like some cough strains and i was wondering if anyone has grown them before????


i also have to agree with japanfreak here, NOT saying that this is a good idea or anything as ive done side by sides before and the plants with no leaves for ME anyway, yielded less, that is just MY experience though not saying hes right or wrong or anything, what im saying is do it on your OWN and figure it out instead of just repeating facts you hear because youve heard it over and over, also ive done a node test to, where i took a plant, left all leaves on it except 1 node, took those fan leaves off, that node also grew a smaller bud than the nodes with fan leaves, again MY experience to each his own, but im afraid japanfreak is right, do it yourself or shut the fuck up :) have a wonderful new year all !!


Active Member
I agree with Japan, he merely suggested doing an experiment with 2 plants. Isn't that how lab experiments are done, do it different ways and see which is best? Duh, seems like a no brainer to me...
Anyways... I grow scrog (traditional scrog with chicken wire) and I ALWAYS cut my fans, and in fact, ANY leaf that interferes with another bud. Each bud site has it's own space and when things start intruding, they get cut back. Sometimes that means 1/4 of a leaf, 1/2 a leaf, the whole thing, whatever it takes. This gives me the best light penetration, and maximizes my production. And as Japan said, for some of the people he knows, defoliation has increased their yield...this is exactly the case for me, and with my small scrog grow I could NEVER get the same yield when I let the leaves grow as they wanted.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Japan, he merely suggested doing an experiment with 2 plants. Isn't that how lab experiments are done, do it different ways and see which is best? Duh, seems like a no brainer to me...
Anyways... I grow scrog (traditional scrog with chicken wire) and I ALWAYS cut my fans, and in fact, ANY leaf that interferes with another bud. Each bud site has it's own space and when things start intruding, they get cut back. Sometimes that means 1/4 of a leaf, 1/2 a leaf, the whole thing, whatever it takes. This gives me the best light penetration, and maximizes my production. And as Japan said, for some of the people he knows, defoliation has increased their yield...this is exactly the case for me, and with my small scrog grow I could NEVER get the same yield when I let the leaves grow as they wanted.

did you wait to cut them during flowering or just whenever they intruded another plants bubble?


New Member
lets just alll cut off all of out leaves together and poofff eeryone can be happy
I know a lot of people are afraid of losing yield, it's a big stress for a lot of people. I would like to advise any new grower, when they think they can afford the risk of losing some grams, experiment. It's just weed, but trust I wouldn't say this to people if I unless in the worst case they might lose a little yield, they might gain a little too. Maybe it's odd thinking to suggest somebody learn their plant and keep an open mind. It really amazes me as being somebody who has done this without any loss of yield at the anger from people so set against it. It's kind of trippy to be honest. Like wow. Like a geek out. NO! the first captain was Pike!!! but did you know there was two actors who played pike? They are tripping is all I can say.


Active Member
did you wait to cut them during flowering or just whenever they intruded another plants bubble?
Well, all of my training is done under the screen until it's filled. I use clones and go 1 week in veg, then go 12/12, filling the screen in about 3 weeks. And yes, during the screen fill time, I take any leaf that I feel is shading out another shoot. Once the screen is filled, I start allowing vertical growth through the holes in the screen, all the while trimming anything that intrudes into another plant's 'bubble".
Lol, I like how you said bubble, I never thought of it that way cause it's a term usually reserved for humans, but it made me laugh. :)


Well-Known Member
Well, all of my training is done under the screen until it's filled. I use clones and go 1 week in veg, then go 12/12, filling the screen in about 3 weeks. And yes, during the screen fill time, I take any leaf that I feel is shading out another shoot. Once the screen is filled, I start allowing vertical growth through the holes in the screen, all the while trimming anything that intrudes into another plant's 'bubble".
Lol, I like how you said bubble, I never thought of it that way cause it's a term usually reserved for humans, but it made me laugh. :)

I am one to be humorous and thank you for your time ^_^
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