Should I cut sickly leaves?


Well-Known Member
So the title pretty much says it all im just not sure if I should remove leaves that curled/claw looking. I had some problems but now all the new growth looks healthy but its just those branches that have sickly leaves that make the plants looks sad. So if you think I should or should not let me know why. Thank you fellow growers. I will post some pictures soon sometimes the site lags to do so.


Well-Known Member
I have always removed all sick, dying, yellow, or dead leaves. All insects that like to prey on our favorite plant have a pre-wired brain that tells them yellow or dying leaves are the weakest part of the plant and the easiest to attack. Why do you think that sticky tape for bugs is yellow? As such I find it a wise choice to remove all sick or dying leaves. Just my 2 cents. Good Luck Dude
ya i did for mine i pinched off the branches/leaves that i thought wouldn't amount up to much which was like the bottom portion of the plant, people call it lolly popping its good for the top of the plant focus the energy to the top

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
If more then 50% of the leaf is damaged ( non count N def) then remove it it's just hurting the plant by being to damaged and using energy inefficentley.

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
If they are still green and supple keep them even if they are curled( depending on the extent of the curl. You want surface area still) if they are crispy or dis colored ( not including n def) then get rid of them. Only time I don't take dying leaves is at the end of flower cause it's a natural process. It allows the plant to take and use every bit of nutrients sugars and energy tword bud production plus extra water in hotter conditions!


Well-Known Member
Isn't it true wot frozen chic says if u need to pluck then it's still using the little bit ov goodness that's left in all intense purpose it is still benefiting from's one I'm not sure about so come on guys lets here it YES/NO answers please.


Through the course of the plants life it naturally draws in and sheds some of its lower foliage- Personally, I only remove what comes off easily by hand.

This Hidden Creature

Well-Known Member
Through the course of the plants life it naturally draws in and sheds some of its lower foliage- Personally, I only remove what comes off easily by hand.
same here.
but in the end of flowering, I don't do anything but let leaves fall by themselves.

Crispy leaves though are sign of sickness so I remove with chisel with no wait.


Well-Known Member
Y do u always come on the newbie section and over complicate thing for guys that r asking straight forward questions strax .is the general growing forums to much of a challenge for u.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member