should i cut the leaves


New Member
hi all I was told I should cut the leafs off my plants to allow the smaller branches to grow

they are on a 4 weeks of vegIMG_20131104_173253.jpg
The smaller branches will grow faster if there are leaves to absorb the light :)

They are young and small still, and the leaves are not hindering themselves or other plants. Leave them alone right now.

if any trimming IMO- Trim the interior, small yellow leaves close to the shoot, tiny sucker branches close to the shoot. that's it man.
what you got going on looks good. on the outside.
just keep in mind she likes to grow bud at the end of things, like the end of the shoot (Cola) end of the Branches, smaller buds closer to the shoot, and smaller buds as you go down the plant.
Yeah man, cut every single leaf off the plant.

100% buds baby.

(just in case you somehow can't sense the sarcasm, please don't do this....)
the reason why I always ask around before doin anything,alright thx for the help and yes i knew churchhaze loll
If you have lower branches that will never get proper light you might consider removing those "lowers" that will only produce at best, some pop corn buds or maybe hash/oil material. This allows the nutrients that the lower would have used to be used in the top buds.

I suggest leaving your plants alone for at least a grow. Learn the natural way it grows, then you can apply that to next time.

On a side note, I almost never remove fan leafs, never need to. Those fan leafs will share the energy they absorb. Keeping an even canopy and clearing out your lowers will go a loooong way.
I saw a few vids on removing fan leaves on youtube and I wish whomever did them checked with a botanist.... I seriously doubt anyone whose done this has the scientific data to back it up: basically a set of data point demonstration how a plant can expend energy making a leaf for photosynthesis and then removing perfectly good leaf somehow make said plant grow faster.....

my take: unless its in support of some topping technique, or because its gonna be shaded by a Scrog, or for air flow or whatever; leave it be...

...and yeah, along with better aeration methods and trimming, I'll repost on everyone of these questions if for no other reason than to counteract all the myths & BS
hi all I was told I should cut the leafs off my plants to allow the smaller branches to grow
Do not do this now, or in the future....
Fan leaves connect to the main stalk where a branch will be... If you cut off the fan leaf that is below that new branch the new branch where fan leaf was cut, the branch will be smaller that if you would have left fan leaf on... I have done this early in my growing life....
I now grow and almost never ever pull any leaf off...
Good Luck man...
Reminds me of tree trimmers. None of them know what they are doing. If you don't believe me, drive through the neighborhood (one who can afford tree cutting services), and look at the hack job they have done to all the trees. Mangled and twisted hollowed out trees where it's obvious that little thought and no foresight is the method of operation in the industry. They come in with big trucks, strong men, heavy loud equipment and a sales pitch, and that, is what gets them paid.

Funny how people want to do the same thing to weed.
In certain situation defolitation can be a very useful technique. In my setup I have 1000w lights and plenty of penatration but on some of my strains they get so leafy that if I wasn't to remove most of them the entire inside of the plant would go to hash making. Now that I defoliate certain strains I yeild ALOT more . Now some sativa dom strains I have I don't need to remove a thing. But for an inexperience grower I wouldn't advise doin any defloiation. Wait till you have more experience.
Yep. I give them a gentle downward tug, if it comes off, great. Otherwise, it stays on. If it's green and healthy, it's making the plant energy.
alright thx for all the informations I will post some more pics of my blue cheese I m gonna swicht them to flo in about 2 days
Dont cut every leaf off me and my pal cut leaves off 3 week in flower to allow light to bottom growth get 4 oz a plant usually 2 oz without trim dont listen to people youll find your own way of growing pal people can give mis guided info on here i find trimming leaves works well for me but just my opinion
if any trimming IMO- Trim the interior, small yellow leaves close to the shoot, tiny sucker branches close to the shoot. that's it man.
what you got going on looks good. on the outside.
just keep in mind she likes to grow bud at the end of things, like the end of the shoot (Cola) end of the Branches, smaller buds closer to the shoot, and smaller buds as you go down the plant.

good advice here^^^