Should I feel guilty.

What makes you realize it should end? Get those "fantasy wives" out of your head because thats all they are. A real woman is one that is supportive, always there for you, and will put up with all your dumb shit. You can talk about anything with a real woman, argue about anything, and tell her exactly how you feel... and she'll still love you. I don't know this girl, but you better really consider what she has to offer before you give it all up
I get what your saying and honestly I won't be looking for a wife period. I spent 3 years single before we met and learned a lot about myself and one of those things was I like to be single. I could see myself staying like that forever. I am no longer attracted to her at all anymore so wouldn't that be unfair to her to stay just because what she can do for me otherwise?
There will come a time that you realize a friend is more important then sex. Ya I did not believe it either.
Thats really awesome that you two will stay friends. My best friend and his ex went through a break up it was pretty ugly. All of a sudden there friends again they do a lot a cool shit with none of the drama anymore its pretty cool . not ganna lie im a bit jelly of that. none of my ex'es and me are friends today. Good luck to you and your now ex lady. enjoy your freedom :fire:
Thanks and I've seen that too. Me and my ex wife did not get along and it took about 2 years after the split before we were cool and now we talk like friends and even run a business together (which the girlfriend despises). We don't fuck around with each other but when were both single we will go out and have a blast.
It's up to you man. A good relationship won't feel like prison. You should be able to be yourself. Just ask yourself will you regret this in 10 years? Can you stand the idea of her being with another man? I'm not saying to stay with her for her sake, but really consider what you'd be losing. It's your life, live it the way you want. :peace:
It's up to you man. A good relationship won't feel like prison. You should be able to be yourself. Just ask yourself will you regret this in 10 years? Can you stand the idea of her being with another man? I'm not saying to stay with her for her sake, but really consider what you'd be losing. It's your life, live it the way you want. :peace:
Well put and I appreciate the advice.
Me and my gf have been together for a year and a half and I realize it should end. She is a great person and I don't want to hurt her. We just got a dog she had been wanting for a while and I feel like I'm ending her life. I'm not attracted to her at all and our sex is bland. We are really good friends and she says we can remain that way. It's so depressing thinking I'm being a bad guy but I think it would be worse to stay in this just for the sake of keeping things going and it potentially turning toxic. I am starting to really lust after the single life and I know the grass isn't always greener and that ill miss the companionship. Any advice or encouragement would be appreciated. Thanks fellow growers.
I don't know if there is, a should... you either feel guilty or you don't