Should I Feel Guilty?


Well-Known Member
So my wife has TMJ. And needless to say, I haven’t gotten a blow job in a long time (i.e. years). I get regular anytime I want (she’s basically a nymphomaniac), and I get anal once a week (every week). But it’s been soooooo long since I’ve had a blow job, I forgot how good they are.

But I got a good reminder last night.

During the heat of the moment, she opened up and went at it. For about 30 seconds. She was having a good time with it, just like old times. And instead of saying “no babe, I don’t want to hurt you”, I just laid there and enjoyed it. I didn’t finish (I saved that for anal), but I did enjoy the 30 seconds immensely until she just couldn’t take it anymore.

So, should I feel guilty?


Well-Known Member
My wife had TMJ many years ago. So I know what you're talking about !
But should you feel guilty. I don't think so sounds like you just left alone the orifice that isn't working correctly and started using one that is......!
I will say this. My wife was a smoker for many years and when she quit the TMJ also went away and has never reappeared.


Well-Known Member
I have had TMJ since I was a kid minus my jaw popping everytime I open my mouth and my jaw getting sore after chewing gum or trying to chew your mother in laws tuff as roast just to swallow it without choaking it's really not that bad but remember she has a glass jaw so even a mild punch to the jaw will break it and then they will fix it but they can't break a jaw themselves so tell her to suck it up buttercup or tell her you found out how to fix it ;)

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Well-Known Member
So my wife has TMJ. And needless to say, I haven’t gotten a blow job in a long time (i.e. years). I get regular anytime I want (she’s basically a nymphomaniac), and I get anal once a week (every week). But it’s been soooooo long since I’ve had a blow job, I forgot how good they are.

But I got a good reminder last night.

During the heat of the moment, she opened up and went at it. For about 30 seconds. She was having a good time with it, just like old times. And instead of saying “no babe, I don’t want to hurt you”, I just laid there and enjoyed it. I didn’t finish (I saved that for anal), but I did enjoy the 30 seconds immensely until she just couldn’t take it anymore.

So, should I feel guilty?
Have you ever heard the story about how if you throw a frog into really hot water, he'll jump right out. But if you put him in cold water and slowly heat it up, he'll never know it.

So do this: put your limp dick into your wife's mouth and let it slowly become a boner. It'll stretch her jaws slowly and she'll never feel it.

Or something like that.