Should I fight MMJ discrimination?

Your vacuous ad hominem in place of reasoned responses do nothing for your argument. You're crying about holding on to reality while simultaneously doing all you can do avoid it. Lost cause.
Still awaiting your real life examples of experience in these matters.....or are you just another keyboard crusader as I suspect? OP's question is based in reality, so I attempted to respond in kind. Again, my apologies.
There is however the Right of quiet | "peaceful" | enjoyment of ones property. So if the odor interferes with the right of quiet enjoyment of the minors then we have a problem.

That's not "one's property". It's a public area. Ironically they were as much talking about the raping of slaves in that as they were trampling the grass. You can rape your slaves (your property) as long as the screaming doesn't bother the church next door. Hence, shove a sock in it. In no way does it mean you have a right not to be "disturbed" or "offended", when you have an option for resolution as simple as minding your fucking business.
There is however the Right of quiet | "peaceful" | enjoyment of ones property. So if the odor interferes with the right of quiet enjoyment of the minors then we have a problem.

That's not "one's property". It's a public area. Ironically they were as much talking about the raping of slaves in that as they were trampling the grass. You can rape your slaves (your property) as long as the screaming doesn't bother the church next door. Hence, shove a sock in it. In no way does it mean you have a right not to be "disturbed" or "offended", when you have an option for resolution as simple as minding your fucking business.

Now I hope you're truly offended with this response. Please proceed with a human rights complaint.
That's not "one's property". It's a public area. Ironically they were as much talking about the raping of slaves in that as they were trampling the grass. You can rape your slaves (your property) as long as the screaming doesn't bother the church next door. Hence, shove a sock in it. In no way does it mean you have a right not to be "disturbed" or "offended", when you have an option for resolution as simple as minding your fucking business.

Now I hope you're truly offended with this response. Please proceed with a human rights complaint.

LOL surely you jest. I've been around the block once or twice, it takes a bit more to offend me than some pretentious bullshit thrown my way.

But yes it's true this would be considered public property where the kids don't have a real interest in the property so I concede that quiet enjoyment may not apply in this situation.

Anyhow, OP, go and fight this balls out as Particle suggests, and let us know what happens. Just make sure you have your resume ready.
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Good question. We all want to be free.
Bob Marley says,
``if you get down and you quarrel every day, you`re saying prayers to the devil I say"
Sign it under duress and verbally agree you can medicate within your living quarters in the form of smoke and you will vaporize or ingest capsules or edibles when outside of your quarters. Get a vape pen and continue medicating all day long. They have no issue with you medicating with cannabis which is great. Give thanks for that and enjoy the opportunity to walk around with a vape pen all day while you work.
Most people would love to be in your position. Be thankful for what you have. Sounds like a nice life.
I am in a rather unique situation and am currently dealing with the the issue of my mmj use with the organization I am involved with.
I am the caretaker of a camp for a national youth organization. It's an awesome gig; I get to live on forty acres of West Coast forest rent free in exchange for providing security and cutting the grass in the sports field. I have to share it with groups of kids most weekends, but it's all good!
An issue arose last week when someone using the camp caught a whiff of my joint due to my mis-calculation on wind direction! They complained to someone higher and it's now gone to the national office. I explained my situation and offered proof of my ATP, but some just didn't get it until I mentioned discrimination and the 'duty to accommodate' clauses which protect my rights. They backed off and are now very accepting of my choice of medicine. The issue I am struggling with now is that they want me to sign a letter agreeing to keep it away from youth, not smoke it around them, etc. All common sense stuff. The problem is that unless they start requiring all volunteers of the organization to sign the same form agreeing to the same rules for ALL prescriptions, it is discriminatory. Although I have not seen the final draft of the letter yet, from what has been explained, I don't disagree with the rules, but I also don't like being singled out over my choice of medicine. I love it here and would hate to lose it by ruffling feathers, but I shouldn't have to choose to surrender my rights in order keep the position.
What would you do? Should I make a stand and refuse to sign, or just sign it to appease them?
This is an interesting occurrence. I agree in principle that you should ensure that there are no children exposed to the sight or smell of cannabis at any time. In regards to the medicinal properties, it does seem possibly discriminatory in that other people may be using mind altering substances. If all people in your role were required to sign a statement that they would not use any alcohol, barbiturates, opiates, sedatives, narcotics, benzodiazapines or any herbal preparation that may lead to an altered mental state, that would be equitable. If any caretaker is permitted to use any of the above named groups of medications, it would seem difficult to discriminate against cannabis, although this is just my opinion.
Thank you for all your responses, good arguments on both sides of the coin. Here is an update and hopefully the end of my dilemma.
I received an email from the organization asking me if I would agree to certain criteria in order to not interfere with the safety or comfort of the youth. They then asked ME to draft the letter stating what rules I thought would satisfy both our positions. I believe this was a legal move so THEY would not be 'guilty' of imposing discriminatory restrictions on me. I understand that I could push the discrimination angle, as the same restrictions aren't put on users of any other prescription drug, but what would I really gain? I think they have tried to accommodate my needs while balancing it with the primary purpose of providing a safe, enjoyable camp experience for the kids. Sometimes ya just gotta pick your battles!
I wrote a very basic email agreeing to keep it out of site and reach of youth, avoid using within smelling distance of youth and not smoking in any of their buildings. I mentioned using my vape pen and investing in a larger vape to be more discreet. I also agreed not to grow on the property and had to send them a copy of my atp. Pretty fair, common sense stuff. I got an email back last night advising me they were sending me $200 towards purchasing a vaporizer! I am blown away by the respect and support I've gotten from this organization and extremely happy with the way things worked out.
Thank you for all your responses, good arguments on both sides of the coin. Here is an update and hopefully the end of my dilemma.
I received an email from the organization asking me if I would agree to certain criteria in order to not interfere with the safety or comfort of the youth. They then asked ME to draft the letter stating what rules I thought would satisfy both our positions. I believe this was a legal move so THEY would not be 'guilty' of imposing discriminatory restrictions on me. I understand that I could push the discrimination angle, as the same restrictions aren't put on users of any other prescription drug, but what would I really gain? I think they have tried to accommodate my needs while balancing it with the primary purpose of providing a safe, enjoyable camp experience for the kids. Sometimes ya just gotta pick your battles!
I wrote a very basic email agreeing to keep it out of site and reach of youth, avoid using within smelling distance of youth and not smoking in any of their buildings. I mentioned using my vape pen and investing in a larger vape to be more discreet. I also agreed not to grow on the property and had to send them a copy of my atp. Pretty fair, common sense stuff. I got an email back last night advising me they were sending me $200 towards purchasing a vaporizer! I am blown away by the respect and support I've gotten from this organization and extremely happy with the way things worked out.

Damn that's pretty cool, although I might have gone to a legal aid/lawyer to draft a simple (I know my legal lingo/laws) letter BUT from their reaction they seem very open minded.
That is actually the most progressive employer response I've ever heard of. If I were you I'd call whomever was in charge there and thank them over the phone or in person.

I am technically a volunteer- I get no pay other than free rent - so it's a unique situation. I did thank them by email and I will leave it at that. They definitely took 'duty to accommodate' seriously and I hope it is a trend that continues. I read articles where employers are being asked to provide a separate room to accommodate mmj users- a bit over the top, IMO, but hopefully it will lead to a happy compromise.
I think that was the most progressive response you could have got! If they had come at you in an aggressive tone, it may have been a different response with a different outcome. They obviously like what and how you do.
I thought this thread, along with this issue , was finished but here I go again! Four months after I thought things were settled positively, I have still not been able to sign a contract/lease. While things went well at the local level, there are apparently some at the higher positions that feel my marijuana use should make me ineligible for this position. I have been left out of the discussion, but I am friends with someone who is privy to those emails and although they couldn't share them, I got the main points. I decided it was best to be silent and let them come to the only legal solution that is available to them...mind their own business when it comes to medical privacy. Now, 14 months in, I still have no contract and therefore no 'job' or housing security and I'm starting to get pissed!
I am in a legal position to file a discrimination suit but I would much prefer an amicable solution. I have not asked for any 'special accommodations' and have in fact agreed to their requests to avoid exposing users of the camp to the smell. I truly don't get where they are coming from on this or why it's so hard to understand anti-discrimination laws. So now I am in the process of drafting a letter- pretty much a polite 'shit-or-get-off-the pot' (no pun intended) to send to their lawyer. The next step would be to get a lawyer to send a letter to their lawyer...but that costs money I don't have. On a side note, I've heard there is a woman in the same organization locally who is prescribed cannabis in pill form...they have no issues with that. WTF?
Sorry, woke up pissed off and had to vent!
I am just seeing the thread for the first time so I feel im a little late, But I would have told you not to sign anything. It would be signing a confession. especially if you are the only employee being told to do so. I don't think you need a signature to tell them you wont smoke when the kids are around.
And if I were them I wouldn't want it on record that I know one of my employee smokes. It seems to me they are trying to play a chess game with you after mentioning your rights being violated. Im sure if they run a childrens camp they have at least one good lawyer who knows what he/she is doing and just how to handle your situation....Is there even any payroll or record of you being an employee? If they are not paying taxes on your labor and housing agreement maybe you could hold that over there head if things get nasty.
I am just seeing the thread for the first time so I feel im a little late, But I would have told you not to sign anything. It would be signing a confession. especially if you are the only employee being told to do so. I don't think you need a signature to tell them you wont smoke when the kids are around.
And if I were them I wouldn't want it on record that I know one of my employee smokes. It seems to me they are trying to play a chess game with you after mentioning your rights being violated. Im sure if they run a childrens camp they have at least one good lawyer who knows what he/she is doing and just how to handle your situation....Is there even any payroll or record of you being an employee? If they are not paying taxes on your labor and housing agreement maybe you could hold that over there head if things get nasty.
I have not signed anything..I think you may have misread. I have not mention discrimination to them although I'm sure they are aware their actions are discriminatory. My goal is to get a resolution without having to resort to legal action. I am not one who likes conflict, or any attention,really, so I just want this to go away. I am not prepared to walk away from this position or my rights, though...
Gotcha, It seems like a killer gig. Then I wouldn't sign anything unless its company policy for everyone. And whats ATP? is that medical? If that's the case you are not doing anything illegal. I would think the only issue would be 2nd hand smoke around the kids. Maybe the person up top who wont let this go away thinks your dealing to the kids or something (a paranoid person). Good luck anyways.
and IMO this is why marijuana isn't pushed to the ballot Like many other issues. Us smokers are a relaxed non-confrontational type. Too peaceful and not wanting to bother anyone. You are probly thinking "why make a big deal about this its just my buds, im not bothering anyone". And they might be thinking "Why make a big deal about this, Its just pot. Not like he's on dope or a dangerous drunk. Why have the bad press if something does come of this"...Its most likely that one asshole up top who has a grudge on pot and wont let it go. Good luck with the situation. let us know what happens.
I think it comes down to what they perceive as protecting their public image or some bullshit like that. My ATP is 'Authorization to Possess' for medical purposes, so I'm legal.I sent them a photocopy to prove it. Here's what I've come up with for a letter to their lawyer although I still don't know if I'll send it.
I am writing in an attempt to bring resolution to the ongoing discussion concerning my medical marijuana prescription. As you are aware, I have a recommendation from my doctor and authorization from Health Canada to use marijuana as medicine. When BLANK became aware of the issue, I agreed to several common sense rules regarding it's use and storage and was told BLANK executive were deciding what actions to take and the signing of my contract and lease were delayed until a decision was made . As I have done nothing wrong or illegal, I assumed this was a mere formality but as the months go by, I am feeling increasingly vulnerable and it is having a negative effect on my reputation and sense of self-worth, as well as threatening me with eviction.

Without going into too much personal detail, I suffer from several forms of arthritis and live with constant pain. I have tried prescription pain pills but the side effects were too severe. Cannabis has allowed me to rejoin society, and although I am not a candidate for a 40 hour work week, my position at BLANK gives me an opportunity to keep busy, contribute to the community and relieve some financial pressure from my wife.

While I do not hide my marijuana use, the negative connotations and stigma attached to it necessitates that I use it discreetly. We live in a small community and unfortunately it didn't take long after I admitted it's use until my choice of medicine was common knowledge. Whether it's real or perceived, I feel I am viewed differently and even looked down on by some BLANK employees due to it. It is wrong, discriminatory and humiliating.

As I am in complete compliance with BLANK policies regarding prescription drug use and am not violating illegal drug use policy, I am confused as to why there is an issue at all, and specifically why I am being left without a contract. I would be more than happy to answer any questions that will help speed up the process.
You need to speak to someone at the human rights commission. You don't have to formally start a claim, but you do need to make them aware of what is happening and give them a heads up. This is not right....out of courtesy you informed your did not have to do that. Take them to task, they need to know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with what you're doing and maybe even hint at where you're headed. It's not a threat ( even though they may see it that way) just letting them know you won't let them walk all over you.

The more I think about this the more disturbed I become. It almost seems like they are trying to wait you out. There may not be a civil way to settle this.
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I would shut up, sign the form and keep working!
mmj is still in a grey area and very much hated, don't fuck up your life for a crusader bs, don't be stupid and sign the form and keep working, buy a vap ect.
in time you will have more rights, right now you all don't have much!
job & $$ or no job and all day to puff awayÉ what do you do......
I would shut up, sign the form and keep working!
mmj is still in a grey area and very much hated, don't fuck up your life for a crusader bs, don't be stupid and sign the form and keep working, buy a vap ect.
in time you will have more rights, right now you all don't have much!
job & $$ or no job and all day to puff awayÉ what do you do......
There is no 'form' to sign other than my contract and lease I want to sign. My right to use mmj is not a grey area and is protected under the Charter.I have a vape, I use discretion and I WILL keep my job. I am just hoping to do it with the least amount of conflict. It is not in my DNA to just "shut up" when my rights are being violated