I am in a rather unique situation and am currently dealing with the the issue of my mmj use with the organization I am involved with.
I am the caretaker of a camp for a national youth organization. It's an awesome gig; I get to live on forty acres of West Coast forest rent free in exchange for providing security and cutting the grass in the sports field. I have to share it with groups of kids most weekends, but it's all good!
An issue arose last week when someone using the camp caught a whiff of my joint due to my mis-calculation on wind direction! They complained to someone higher and it's now gone to the national office. I explained my situation and offered proof of my ATP, but some just didn't get it until I mentioned discrimination and the 'duty to accommodate' clauses which protect my rights. They backed off and are now very accepting of my choice of medicine. The issue I am struggling with now is that they want me to sign a letter agreeing to keep it away from youth, not smoke it around them, etc. All common sense stuff. The problem is that unless they start requiring all volunteers of the organization to sign the same form agreeing to the same rules for ALL prescriptions, it is discriminatory. Although I have not seen the final draft of the letter yet, from what has been explained, I don't disagree with the rules, but I also don't like being singled out over my choice of medicine. I love it here and would hate to lose it by ruffling feathers, but I shouldn't have to choose to surrender my rights in order keep the position.
What would you do? Should I make a stand and refuse to sign, or just sign it to appease them?