Should i flower ? HELP


Well-Known Member
Hey guys this is my first time grow and its going pretty fuckin good alot better than i expected lol but my girl is 17 days old she is about 8 inches tall now and has 6 main nodes with 10 more growing . Id like to keep her under 1 1/2 ft should i flower her now or wait a few more weeks ? What im basically saying is if i want my plant to be 1 1/2ft - 2ft tall at the end of flowering considering her age and height and development when should i switch to 12/12 ? Thanks guys :)

Lord Lonnis

Well-Known Member
I have no experience with short bushes, I hear they can grow 50-100% during stretch depending on strain. I am interested in mainlining if I had height constrictions... Look I to that, low stress training and topping to give you more main bud sites.
Hope I can help

Guerrilla OP

Active Member
This is entirely dependent on strain, environment ect... In short there is no way to know until you flower... I've had sativa dominant strains that will double there size if not more in flower. I've had indicas which barely stretch at all... Can I ask why you want to keep it so small? What strain it is? What light it's growing under? Ect?


Well-Known Member
You can flower anytime you want but the yield will be less. If you want to keep them short you can A: flower now. B: train and top them to grow them horizontally or scrog with net. I veg for 20-30 days and never more due to height issues. I have never done a scrog but have seen some pretty amazing grows here. And yes count on plant doubling or more as a general rule.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys this is her as of today :) considering she started out in backyard dirt and she is a seed i found in some reggie she is pretty damn healthy she had a little fert burn but its going away now . Can you guys tell me how she looks so far ? :) she has 25 nodes nows :) most are new growth now



Well-Known Member
I flowered mine around that size and shes only 5 weeks into flower and 30 inches tall, I wanted to max out right now but she stretchin like crazy, about a inch a day in height


Well-Known Member
but I also topped 4 times and supercropped that bia, now shes bushy AND tall! heres a bud shot up close n personal



Well-Known Member
Defo a rule not to b ignored.i did and look wot happened.obviously I let mine get a lot bigger than your intentions but still the same rule.first one before second after had to tie that bitch down lol.



Well-Known Member
Defo a rule not to b ignored.i did and look wot happened.obviously I let mine get a lot bigger than your intentions but still the same rule.first one before second after had to tie that bitch down lol.
haha damn greenhouse, that's what mines gonna look like before too long lol, I got about another foot before it starts getting too too close, in 5 weeks she went from 13inches to 30... twice a day I gotta adjust her lights! ill probably have to tie her down in the next 2-3 weeks im thinkin...


Well-Known Member
haha damn greenhouse, that's what mines gonna look like before too long lol, I got about another foot before it starts getting too too close, in 5 weeks she went from 13inches to 30... twice a day I gotta adjust her lights! ill probably have to tie her down in the next 2-3 weeks im thinkin...
topped 4 times ?? Ive only topped once and she has new growth everywhere . Can you tell from my pictures where it should be topped next ? Where i topped before there is a little black dot and 2 new nodes growing out should i cut both or one of them ? Or maybe not at all ?


Well-Known Member
All the info u need is on the home page.diagrams and have a look and that will show u to the millimetre where to top mate


Well-Known Member
Wish I had topped the one in my pic had already topped one the same size and she's got two big colas now.only been in flower for ten days.



Well-Known Member
Not sure what your plan is but its not recommended to top plant to close to flower. It is recommended to give them time to recover. I have broke a few stalks as well when bending them but they have all recovered and done very well. Here's the Kosher I just finished. image.jpg

Lord Lonnis

Well-Known Member
she has 25 nodes nows :) most are new growth now
I only see about 4 nodes, a node can have 2 fan leaf stems, and two bud stems, I would too of FIM it a few times. You start with one tip, top it and you have 2 top tips, top both of those and you will have 4 tops...