should i flower white widow 8wks or 10wks?


Active Member
I was wondering,should I flower white widow,for 8 wks or 10 wks...i read somewhere if you go 10 wks,on 8/16 or lights out for 2 wks,that this well give you,more crystals..i think it was a seed company......Has anyone tryed this before,and if so,do i flower for 10 wks,then flush for 2 wks,with lights off ?I'd apreciate it if someone, could let me know the deal...Thanx 1 luv


New Member
Yes.. I wouldn't flower any strain a "set" period. The strain and pheno are all different and your conditions will effect the "right" time to harvest. Get a 35x or larger scope or a USB microscope like me and just check your trichs they will tell you when they are ready.


Well-Known Member
BUMP.... Would like to know myself
I let my widow go 70 days, so 10 weeks. Put it in the dark for 48-72 hours right before harvest and she is so sticky I can hardly trim her! lol! Different phenos and different breeder's widows may vary, but IME they usually finish between 8-10 weeks.:weed:




Well-Known Member
I am getting ready to grow some White Widow too and I plan on ordering a 60x-100x microscope. What exactly should I be looking for in the trichs that will tell me when they are ready to harvest?


Well-Known Member
I am getting ready to grow some White Widow too and I plan on ordering a 60x-100x microscope. What exactly should I be looking for in the trichs that will tell me when they are ready to harvest?

mostly cloudy/amber. difference is cloduy gives you more a clear head high while the darker, amber trichs, give you more of the heavy cough lock high.=3


Ill tell you from experience r1tony is dead on. you can never set a date unless u grow the strain in your environment a couple times.