should i flower with Big cfls's?


Active Member
im using and led ufo wiht a couple of cfls and my plants are super short right now. i was debating on getting those big ass sprial cfl.s that put out 300 watss. but am i gunna make it stretch now if i flower with a bigger light? even if it sits close to the plant?


Well-Known Member
Yes indeed, your plants will be very happy and wont stretch. Just be careful not to get water on the leaves. Cause light is amplified through the water droplet and it WILL cause burns. Good growing.


Well-Known Member
Get more lower powered CFLs rather than one big one. If you have several, you can spread the light out more, the heat wont be as bad, and if one burns out, youll have the rest of the lights to fall back on. You break one of those bigger ones and not only are you out a light, but that mo fo prob cost you about $30 or more.

Illegal Smile

Get more lower powered CFLs rather than one big one. If you have several, you can spread the light out more, the heat wont be as bad, and if one burns out, youll have the rest of the lights to fall back on. You break one of those bigger ones and not only are you out a light, but that mo fo prob cost you about $30 or more.
This is right on. Small cfls are the best value and allow you to position them in close to the foliage which is critical with cfls. I like 42watt.


Well-Known Member
yes but the lower watt cfl's cause the plant to grow a bit slower. If you want max potential go for the best quality small cfl you can find. Even if its a little pricey it will reward you later.


Well-Known Member
26w bulbs are the most effecient on watts to lumens ratio usually if im not mistaken, having lots of small bulbs will not make the plant grow slower, it will make it grow faster. with cfls you gotta remember after like 3 inches the light penetration of cfls is next to nothing. more light to more of the plant that it can absorb=faster growth. as for brand just get the cheapest ones you can. i'd use a 150w or 250w hps as the main lighting and as many cfls as you can fit as side lighting though if ya got cash to blow and want to upgrade.