Should I flush before changing nutes lineups?


I'm changing from the recipe for success kit to the flora series mirco bloom and grow because I ran out of the recipe kit. Should I flush? My buddy gave me 10ml of Florakleen to use for my flush. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
To flush or not to flush...that is the question...Sometimes flushing can be a good thing...sometimes not so good. But, if you do it...don't get carried away like I did....crazy-toilet-planter4.jpg ...they came out all shitty...LOL!!!!

Sorry I couldn't stop myself.

Seriously though there are a lot of different thoughts about flushing....if I were making your choice I would consider the age of my plant and whether it was vegging or flowering. But TBH what I would do first would be to research what is in both products and how they differ. A lot of different formulas have similar if not identical ingredients. Do some more research and make the choice based on what you learn and what your gut tells you.


To flush or not to flush...that is the question...Sometimes flushing can be a good thing...sometimes not so good. But, if you do it...don't get carried away like I did....View attachment 3704984 ...they came out all shitty...LOL!!!!

Sorry I couldn't stop myself.

Seriously though there are a lot of different thoughts about flushing....if I were making your choice I would consider the age of my plant and whether it was vegging or flowering. But TBH what I would do first would be to research what is in both products and how they differ. A lot of different formulas have similar if not identical ingredients. Do some more research and make the choice based on what you learn and what your gut tells you.
Lmao very clever my good friend! And OK I just wasn't sure. What I did was flush it with about a gal of pH water then I gave it another gallon of feed its ppms came out to 700 my plant is 6 weeks into 12/12 I'm having a bit of a nitrogen problem and calcium because I ran out of calmag right now. I think it might have been a good thing I flushed it a little bit


Well-Known Member
Yeah,,,I see the N issue...If you feel it was a good choice to flush...then you made the right choice for your grow. Wheter that choice is beneficial or detrimental to your plant is based on the knowledge and understanding of cultivation you possess. Information can be learned...gut feelings cannot.


Well-Known Member
Whats it say on the bottle the n-p-k,If they say pretty much the same thing then i would not bother,

if its same then no need to flush or simular
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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Whats it say on the bottle the n-p-k,If they say pretty much the same thing then i would not bother,

if its same then no need to flush or simular
Nope - not what Paulie means!

All synthetics and organics - As the PLANT USES them in the end. Are the "same" molecules!

NO, I would not bother flushing for flipping those lines!