Should i flush or does the plant have some deficiency?


Shes into her 10th day of 12/12, under a 400 watt hps bulb with reflector plus a 200 watt cfl to the side, im using the fox farm trio nutes and recently started adding molasses to her water every week or so. The last couple of weeks ive been noticing a few of the lower and even some of the middle leafs going yellow and eventually dying , as well as this some of the leafs are also curling down wards. any thoughts guys? should i flush her or do you think this is some sort of nute deficiency? Cheers


Active Member
your feeding it too much defo for nitrogen m8 feed nothing but ph 'd water for the next 5/7 days maybe !!!and it will get better


Active Member
If the middle and lower leaves are effected it is usually due to a deficiency. The new growth takes energy and food from the older growth causing to yellow. Usually in a lockout situation you might see the new growth yellow due to the plant not being able to transfer nutrients. I would saturate medium next watering with ph'd water and check the runoff in comparison. This will give you a good indicator in what is really going on. ie. the ph is really low or high you might be overfeeding or just had an unstable growing medium.


Active Member
the clawing and dark green colour as i have learned (on this forum) is a sure sign of over feeding high nitrogen foods to yer plant i had the same thing myself but not as bad after my plant being on nothing but superthrive and ph'd tap water for the last week and it looks alright now so good luck m8


Well-Known Member
What was you feeding and how much of it?
Would be helpful in determining the issue.
The lower leaves look deficient but the up leaves got a downward
drooping known as the bear claw droop this is usually from over feeding.


Alright guys thought id post a little update. So i flushed my plant last sunday with nothing but pure h20 and been giving her nothing but water over the last week, she seems to have really appreciated it and has grown an extra half a foot and bushed out nicely, also the bud sites are coming on nicely with the first hairs showing them self's so all in all flushing her seems to have sorted her out nicely. ill be putting her back onto the nutes next week using about half the amount i was using before. cheers for the advise guys.IMG_1111.jpgIMG_1110.jpg