Should I force flower my plant?


Ok so this is my first grow and I’ve been growing this plant in my backyard for about a month now. It has been receiving a total of 12-14 hours of sunlight a day and it’s about 8 inches tall now. Is it okay to force flower it this early? This is my first plant and I’m really just trying to test the waters and see what I’m capable of doing. I think cultivating marijuana is a felony in my state and my neighbors have already been giving me weird looks lately. (I hope they’re not Karens) There’s also bugs and stuff starting to chew up the leaves so I think it’s time to get this over with and start the flowering process. How many hours of sunlight should I be giving it now and what type of fertilizers should I use? I also understand this is just a test subject but I would still like some decent quality nugs to smoke up so I want to fertilize it as best as possible; Preferably organically but also nothing too expensive since the plant probably wont produce a large quantity of weed anyway. Also how many grams do you think I’ll get out of this? Like a half ounce or something? I pray to god this isn’t a male either because I’m going to just set this thing on fire


Well-Known Member
To be honest it’s tiny still. I would flower now unless you are going to transplant. Remember it will double to triple in size in the first 2 weeks I mean you can technically flower as soon as it sprouts if you wanted. You can’t gauge how much you will get off a plant especially one this size it depends on how you grow it and you nutrients soils etc


Well-Known Member
It needs way more light than it’s getting. Unfortunately there is no lateral branching going on.
Long node plant so it is more than likely gonna be a taller lankier plant. Current container size is restrictive.


Well-Known Member
Cool spot? No.
Can I force flower? Yup but you shouldn't.
Half ounce? Maybe with a transplant into a 5 gal bucket and 2 more months of veg, better nutrients and some topping with LST.