Should I get nematodes or something?


New Member
Kind of long post here so bear with me :)

First time indoor grower here. I have an auto flower plant that's about 10 weeks old. I'm using maybe 60% ProMix and the rest is coco coir and perlite. I fertilized about a week ago with dry amendments.

I have these tiny white "bugs" that are in the soil. I've only dug down maybe 3 inches into the soil and there's lots of them. I thought they were aphids at first but they're not on the the plant stem or leaves whatsoever. The plant is still growing great and is getting closer to harvest time. They do not seem to be affecting the plant at all. I've tried neem oil and a couple other things but they're still around. I check the soil often for any issues any noticed them about 3 days ago.

My phone unfortunately won't focus enough to take a clear picture of them. My question is this: are they harmful and should I get some nematodes to get rid of them?

Yes, nematodes are the best. Don't even question it just do it. You'll be happy you did even if theyre just springtails it'll keep pests out for a good while
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yes, get nrematodes ,i use them as slug deterrant and they work great, as canada says, just do it, no thinking to do, it makes sense
burn the little bastards, ph 5.4 might interupt their cycle. Plants wont notice. Bugs will. Maybe drop to 5 if not effective, ld try to bring up abit after day or so, lactic acid bacteria eats all bad bug food and starves them. Plus is acidic so worms and such get outta the way, ooo sensitive skin. Run crawl die. Paprika will work too, sprinkle over soil mix in top layer