should i get this?


Well-Known Member
there are plenty of people who have purchased this system on this site. i however, am not one of them. from what i've read though, most people are happy with them. you can also build the exact same thing for cheaper than they are selling it if you are a little handy.

as far as how long it takes to grow, that's going to depend on a multitude of factors including strain, skill level, temperature, nutrients, lighting, space and ventilation. i haven't read one negative review on these people so far. i don't know about the lights however, as i have no experience with cfl's.


Well-Known Member
I don't agree with that assesment. For a newb to get the list and make that system with everything that is included would end up costing more. If the meter they mention is the Bluelab Truncheon $80.00 is a bargain. I paid $135.00 for mine. Before you jump back and tell me about building things yourself check my post on how to build a flood and drain table. I'm sure I could build this. I don't believe I could assemble these parts all ready to go with that light for less and my car gets 30 miles to the gallon. VV


Well-Known Member
30 miles to the gallon?? fuck i bet you live in the usa? in the uk most car will do 50-70 miles to the gallon,,as fuel is £5 or $10 a galin


Active Member
yehh when i was in florida i saw this car dealership sayin are cars a the best they do 30 to miles to the gallon as if it was a good thing...


Well-Known Member
IS that what gas is there now. Last time I was in Europe it was around $1.00/liter, we were paying $2.00/ gal and complaining. In my area now its around $3.00/gal. Sorry to jump your thread man. VV


Well-Known Member
and its going up,it will $20 a gal by 2010, so thay are making us drive about in 900cc car's,,lol