should i go back into veg ?


looking for a bit of info ppl
been flowering for a week now and was thinking about going back into veg also some other ppl said bout it .
need some advice is it ok to go back into veg after 1 week of flowering does it stress them ? and should i .
attached some pics of them they stand around 15 to 20 inches tall atm
thanks in advance for answers and help

i have gave them some bloom feed also but no booster


Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I see no point in going back into veg. Why did you change the light cycle if you are having second thoughts about flowering?


tbh thought they were good but couple ppl now telling me i should go put them back into veg now im having second thoughts :)

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
dont let someone tell u when to flower. u see them every day. If they ar 10 in they should be pretty good size before harvest! good luck!
you should def just flower those.... next time know that you want a bigger plant and veg them sexy bitches for longer... you can def veg if you want... but i think it may stress just a little too much. 1 weeks is on the fence for being toooo stressful