Should I go with a 5x9 or a 8x8?

Plant count is entirely up to how big or small you want to grow them. Ive set up 4x8 tents for others to run 4 or 8. You gotta keep in mind that you won't really be able to get into a tent that size and do much around the plants and it can difficult to deal with plants in the back row.
8-10 small plants with a short veg would work. Personally I'd run 4 bigger ones in a row so I could reach everything by just rotating pots or whatever.

2 550s will be a tad on the lighter side of how much you'd want, but if you run them closer they should still rock that space.
I started with 9 in a 3.5x8 closet and then went to 4, and right now I only have 2 in there since they got kinda crazy vegging. "Sometimes less is better", lol.
What else do you need for the tent. You might need a humidifier or a dehumidifier. A heater or an AC that also takes up space. Are you going to run CO2 or not because lots of plants need a CO2 boost you can also run the lights brighter that way. That's if you want co2. Bigger lights more heat you might need an intake fan to keep the humidity and temperature in control.

Inkbird makes a humidty controller to run an AC and heater or a fan and humidifier. Grey one is higher amp draw blue one is lower. Grey for heater and Ac blue fan and humidifier. 2 models.

Ac infinity cloud series makes a fan that can also turn on as you set the humidity and temperature. You lose 30 percent of the airflow for a carbon filter then 25 for each 90 degree bend in the ducting so you need to calculate the amount of air flow you need. Might need a 10 inch fan running at a lower speed.

So fitting the plants lights ducting carbon filter Ac heater humidifier all takes up floor space.