Should I grow?? Help!!


Ok so I have some blue mystic seeds and lights on the way. Here is some background info:

I was helping a friend of mine grow a few plants in his closet with an LED. His mother works at a prison as a guard/warden whatever and came over one day and saw purple light pissing out of his closet, so he had them removed. Before this time I had my seeds and lights shipped to this location as I was planning on starting my grow somewhere else.

An apparantly unrelated dispute with another flatmate has them all moving out, and one of them is left (not the guy I was helping). He says I can move in there and start my own grow.. But should I?? Am I being paranoid?? Or is this just asking to get busted?

So already everyone who was living there knows I can grow and probably will, also he just got busted (albiet by his mum) so he could rat me out to save himself? (from his mother) AND I had the seeds and lights shipped their prior.

The alternative is moving in with my parents at a rural property and maybe growing there without their knowledge but I know this is heavily frowned upon. HOWEVER I would rather risk getting caught by them than the landlord at my friends place especially due to the situation. And also if they genuinely have no knowledge of the grow and I take full responsibilty they cant get in trouble right??

BTW I have an unrelated serious criminal charge pending and dont know if im still under investigation for that (are they watching my internet history etc) so yeah I think I prettymuch know what your all going to say but I thought id ask for a glimmer of hope of possibly starting a grow.. Peace.


Well-Known Member
no one on this forum will tell you to do anything illegal. its up to you to weigh risk vs reward and decide for yourself if its a good idea or not


I have already done that and decided that its worth the risk.. but these new circumstances have me second guessing myself, I guess thats a sign that I should abort mission. It would be a shame to see my months of research go to waste though...


Active Member
Do yourself a favor and put off any activity that may be illegal for a time better suited for it. Sounds like this is not the time. Be smart.

Learn from your mistakes also. Abnormal light (LED) spotted coming out of a closet by a correctional officer? Come on man.


Well-Known Member
If I was you I would only do it if ...
• I new I was 100% sure my grow would not be seen by anyone except myself.
• I new that I'm paying the electricity bill
• I new I would not have to sneak around (like you would at your parents)
• if your mates mum goes round/seen your mates grow then she would be extra sure what to look out for on next visits.
at the end of the day your mates mum won't grass (unless she's a total bitch) but how would she look if her work colleges found out about her son / her apartment was growing weed. But at the same time you can kick you out. So I would wait till you had your own place where no one new or new where you lived. Best to be safe then sorry cause lets face it there not tomatoes lol


Active Member
No, no and no. That whole situation sounds like a cluster fuck. Get your own place and don't tell anyone what your doing. You just know the guy who is.

The Growery

Active Member
one person you don't know would know you are growing from day one. that one person will tell someone else, so on and so forth, so no do not grow at that location.


Well-Known Member
How well do you know this person you would be moving in with? The way I see it is, you haven't even started your grow yet, and you already have 1 person who knows about it. Not to mention taking into consideration the possibility of this person having a big mouth. If you want my opinion, I would never have a grow balancing on the whims of a relationship with an aqcuaintence, or even a friend. Because now if you ever argue with him, or have a falling out, its not just a falling out. He already has a "game over" weapon in his arsonal. Call me paranoid, but i've never been arrested, and plan on keeping it that way, and this is the way I think.


Well I wasent living there at the time... like I said I was helping him. I told him the whole time to put it in the roof cuz its safer but he woulden't listen. Im in my 20's and I cant afford to buy my own house only rent.. or pay board at my parents (alot cheaper).

I guess if anything I should just find another house to move into.. but this has proven difficult as its hard to find one with the adequate.. roofing. So is what has occured at that place even without me living there reason enough to stay completely away??

EDIT: The guy who got busted by his mom no longer lives there, I have known everyone at the house for years now smoked daily with them ETC but im still careful of friends. The guy I'm moving in with is by far the most trustworthy and he also says he wouldent tell a SOUL and we would make sure that we were always getting it "off someone else"


Well-Known Member
Like adjorr already said only you can make that decision. I personally think your grow has too much baggage already, and you haven't even planted a seed yet. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Hell no don't do that. If one grows pot at all then one should be the only one to know. Not some bozo flatmate.


Hell no don't do that. If one grows pot at all then one should be the only one to know. Not some bozo flatmate.
You mean don't do it at all? Or just find a diff place? I almost wana use my setup and just grow tomatoes and see if they try to bust me haha.


Dude, you know the saying "dont eat where you shit..."

Well people have shit everwhere in this situation. Sound like you got a narc, a pig and a fuckwit....

DO NOT GROW WHILE ASSOCIATED TO THESE PEOPLE, cmon man a fucking screw? (correctional officer)

You need;
1. privacy
2. security
3. mouth shut about the grow (tell people you not going to grow anymore because of the risk, make it public knowledge, convince people your scared to grow, and they wont second guess it, fish and feed for info.)