Should I grow indoor?

Ultra Haze

Well-Known Member
I am growing a good 5 plants right now in a greenhouse, but I would like to continue growing over the winter indoor but I am not entirely sure of what to do.

I am going to buy a single indoor seed.
I would like to spend as little as possible with as little maintenance. All I had to do for the greenhouse growing is use good soil and water. I have a good location to grow it. Anyway a few questions:

What kind of lighting do you need? (I have a 15w UV light which probably isn't enough)

Temperature? (Whats the minimum/maximum temperature, is room temperature ok?)

Smell proof? (I don't want my house to stink of weed)

Light cycle?

What else do I need?

Electricity Bill (Electricity is an issue where I live, and anything over average then I would be considered a grower)


Well-Known Member
any pics of your outdoor grow.
did you say a single indoor seed?.
do you mean just one seed?.

anyway if you want to grow indoors.
then germ the seed and thed light you have will be ok for 2 weeks or so, but you will need more light.
flos are best for vegg, but a 250 hps is best for 12/12.
you need a red spec for 12/12.
and blue for vegg like you have.
maybe get a closet to grow in.
1 250hps will be good for 4 half dec. plants.
best temps are 65 to 75.

so dont rush getting all the gear.
i started with a closet and some flos and after a few weeks i got a 250 hps.
and after i had finished the grow i had 4 good plants that yeilded 2 oz each after drying.


Well-Known Member
best light cycle for vegg is 24/0 never turn off the light till you goto 12/12.
when you goto 12/12 you will need a timer.


Well-Known Member
also soil and water is good, but you need to feed, for the plant to grow good buds.
it pays to get the right gear.
i would like to see your pics?.

Ultra Haze

Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for your help, yeah I only want one indoor plant. This is for smoking not selling so I am not bothered as long as it provides me with enough.

I will give it a try, The biggest plants growing I have only had for 2 weeks and the rest is 2 - 3 days old in these pictures:

Inside greenhouse after 1 1/2 weeks.

The Two Plants at 2 weeks old:

At first the plant was accidentally starved for water but it's made a good recovery and new healthy leaves have came out:

The other plants were planted later on but they are doing ok now, but I havent took a recent photo of them yet. Sorry about the low resolution.

I use baby bio plant food

^^They are also my first time growing^^
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