Should i Harvest now? First Grow


Active Member
Just want some feedback from you guys, i already read about harvesting just want some general opinion.

Outdoor grow(using smartpot LOL)
Strain : Bag seed(probably lemon haze due the lemon smell is really strong)
Age : 4 months
Flowering week 6
Nuts : Biobizz nutes

I know that depending the desired high you can decided to harvest or not.

So far i saw about 20% of the pistils turning amber, but im not sure if this is true.

Can someone tell how long should i wait until harvesting? Should i flush her 1 week before harvest?

Here is direct link to a picture of the bud




Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU @lamboneCrusher

i'm not an outdoor grower but that doesn't look it's a week away from being ready to harvest. i don't grow a lot of hazes, but i'd say you have at least another month to go. flushing is up to the grower-personally, i don't bother with it.

hang in there-you'll be smoking your own before you know it! 8)



Active Member
Hi undercovergrow

Hmm interesting, thats what a friend of mine said about it.

Thanks for reply as this is my first time watching a bud grow i have no idea what to expect.

Awesomeeeeee :bigjoint:


Active Member
Agree with undercover. Ur only at 6 weeks flowering, since random bag seed I'd start checking trichs then at 10 weeks maybe 9 the earliest if it really swells. Then check from there. Hairs don't mean anything always check the trichs on plant


Well-Known Member
Hi undercovergrow

Hmm interesting, thats what a friend of mine said about it.

Thanks for reply as this is my first time watching a bud grow i have no idea what to expect.

Awesomeeeeee :bigjoint:
you are welcome. post up pictures as you go - there's a lot of outdoor growers here who can help you pick the right time with your girl.


New Member
Really glad you asked this. I'm in the same boat. First time grower with one plant outdoors. My buds look about at the same stage. I have fruit punch strain. I'll be watching this thread closely, since I think we'll be harvesting about the same time. Can't wait!


Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU @lamboneCrusher

i'm not an outdoor grower but that doesn't look it's a week away from being ready to harvest. i don't grow a lot of hazes, but i'd say you have at least another month to go. flushing is up to the grower-personally, i don't bother with it.

hang in there-you'll be smoking your own before you know it! 8)

She (going by your picture) is everywhere like I said!! @cassinfo


Well-Known Member
First round autos... day 64 of two 70 day strains. I know all the breeders tell ya its viable in these timeframes but to go longer gets a better outcome, but these two are gonna be chopped on day 70 me thinks... i dont have any type of magnifier but, i know you will laugh, i think i can see a bit of amber trich coverage on the Blue Mammoth. Tell me what ya think! 1441923754529.jpg1441923851471.jpg 1441923937629.jpg